Friday, February 27, 2015
Time Management : 5 ways to stay on course
• BBR Productions Inc : Time Management : 5 ways to stay on course
Stay on target, stay on course. Life is in the hands of time. These five helpful techniques are slightly outside the box ways to stay on course.
1. Lists: A list of tasks are the guideline to success. Getting lost in the day is a sign of being lost in what to do. A list will organize what is necessary to start on. Mark next to each task a start time and end time. Giving a specific mini-SMART Goal.
2. Folder System: A nice bundle of physical folders to place work loads inside. Label each folder with a grouped name for tasks. Lay them on top of one another and go through them in a timely fashion. Follow the thirty to sixty minute rule of time restraint.
3. Your time is the right time: Work inside the hours which make you most productive. If the morning sun motivates action then get up early and enjoy the workload. If the beautiful starry night is most conducive then boom that out under the moonlight sky!
4. Side tracked: Turn off the phones, the computer need not be hooked up to a social media site, and keep the music to a minimum. Focus the mind toward the goal at hand. Stopping every so often keeps a brain from getting on task.
5. Sleep is good: Bed time rest is one thing, a good night sleep is another. The mind must be rested up nicely to keep focused. A tired mind is a weary mind. Six to eight hours sounds correct but the truth is that every person is different. Find your sleep pattern and maintain a healthy sleep cycle!
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Thursday, February 26, 2015
Time Management : Stop!
• BBR Productions Inc : Time Management : Stop!
This is some of the best advice anyone could get. STOP! Stop what you are doing. Stopping is a powerful tool. By stopping and saying no, you are saying YES, to your life. Life is more precious than money. You get one life. Money you can recoup. Time, you cannot get back, so why use it up incorrectly. Each day vanishes as if it never was there. Say Yes to life by saying no to tasks. A person deserves a chance to rest or keep from being overpowered by life tasks.
The joy of accomplishing task after task can be motivating. However exhaustion and brain fatigue never equals quality finished work. There is more in this world than work, work, work! This is why vacations are important to people. It is a time to relax. Now, taking a vacation to accomplish things around the house, or get working on other tasks, is really considered working. Take an actual vacation. A smart idea is to take vacation every six months for about one week doing nothing but relaxing.
Okay, maybe the mind would go crazy. So, for that week of rest, rest and do fun things. Explore activities that make the mind and body feel good about itself. Going to the movies, hanging out with friends and family, maybe even going fishing. There are other creative ideas that would still be considered vacation; things that take the soul to a happy place: Painting, music, running. Life is about finding a simple balance between doing and not doing.
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Time Management : Set an alarm
• BBR Productions Inc : Time Management : Set an alarm
man created alarms to become more aware of time. An alarm helps wake people up, take a lunch, remember the food is completed, and most importantly it was built to give control back to the user. Setting an alarm for tasks times to be completed is helpful. With thirty to sixty minutes blocks for task activity, an alarm should go off dictating a need to move on to another task. An alarm can also single due times for scheduled appointments on a phone Calendar, or Computer Calendar.
When cooking a meal an alarm is set so nothing gets overcooked. People are prone to getting distracted while waiting. This goes for task activity as well. Working to long, or hard, on one task activity can fry the brain. The brain needs rest, and actually can last longer by changing things up. Even authors writing a book take breaks every one to two hours. This is so they can walk around, sit outside, eat a little snack. Recharging their brains.
A person deserves to stay focus. A human has complete value. A task is a thing. It comes and it goes. It will be there tomorrow. In some cases even the hardest workers can fall away but their single job task will continue on with another person. Our lives matter more than the task at hand. It will get done. It can get done, but a person's life must maintain purpose over tasks. Set an alarm to life. Tasks will always be there tomorrow. Never work hard, but be productive!
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Time Management : There is always tomorrow
• BBR Productions Inc : Time Management : There is always tomorrow
Time management can be destroyed when an overwhelming feeling comes over the mind. A bundle of tasks could pile up fairly quickly when left unchecked. This is okay. Because taking control back begins with a simple philosophy; There is always tomorrow. Tasks should be delegated from thirty, to sixty, minutes a day. This is generally focused on the idea of a Task, less the task itself. Think in terms of starting a stopping, instead of a specific task needing to be completed.
Work on a few tasks a day within time restraints, placed on by a schedule. When time runs out, stop that task then move on to the next task. If a specific task is not completed by the scheduled amount of time; that is okay, because there is always tomorrow. Though, there may be those days when a specific task has a deadline outside of a person's control: Working at a job, last minute directions, etc. Somethings are out of a person's control. This is a Precedence Task.
Waiting last minute is dangerous in any situation. Give time, days, even weeks when possible, to completing select tasks. Life is short, stress is only good in small amounts. Control time with schedules. “There is always tomorrow” is designed to focus. Throwing things to tomorrow then doing nothing but only relaxing, or watching TV, playing games, hanging out with friends, etc, is less productive and more destructive. Small steps equal larger journeys over time.
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Monday, February 23, 2015
Time Management : Group Necessities
• BBR Productions Inc : Time Management : Group Necessities
Each day is set into motion with only twenty-four hours of time. Hopefully eight hours are dedicated to sleeping. In some case four to eight additional hours are given to a job. Best case scenario; a person has a job living in their dream. Figure in driving, eating, preparation to begin the day; now twenty-four hours is a small two, maybe three hours after you add in relax/meditate time. The assumption is a person has only three hours of free time a day. What if they had more?
More time does not always mean there is room to accomplish many tasks. More time means more time management. Having thirty minutes, or four hundred and eighty minutes, to work with has the same value. What can be accomplished in that amount of time? What needs to be accomplished in that amount of time? Look at tasks as groupings. Email, Call, Follow ups, Jolts; these are all within the same area of interest. In a task block of time consider this a thirty minute block of contacting people.
Why is grouping important? It takes away anxiety and allows the brain to focus. The human brain can focus on seven items plus or minus two. When there are multiple items within a subject, define those items as one major subject to accomplish. Another important part of grouping Task Items is understanding valued items. What is most important now? Numbering these items from one to ten (one being most important) gives a sense of direction. Attack those ones first!
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Friday, February 20, 2015
TAC: The Art of Conversation : 5 exercises to better TAC
• BBR Productions Inc : TAC: The Art of Conversation : 5 exercises to better TAC
TAC-ticians become Masters in the advance arts of conversation with practice. Practice takes time working with multiple subject targets. Below are a few exercises to help better learn TAC: The Art of Conversation. Communication is key to finding your way.
1. Set goals: Setting simple goals help with mastering “Why”. It can also help with How and When. An example – I want to walk over to that person and get their name and one personal tidbit of information from them.
2. Talk with cashiers: Taking a cashier out of their groove for a moment and into the real world is a task. They are normally on script and zoned out. Breaking their “activity” and getting them involved in a “With” conversation, while keeping them and everyone around you happy, is good practice.
3. Start with people you know: The most comfortable a person can be is with people they know. Keep them out of the know of what you are attempting to accomplish. A friend, or family member, will have no idea what hit them once you utilize and control that conversation.
4. Practice listening: This seems easy enough, but how often do people really listen. Take note of what is being said, then respond with interest. Allow that interest to be director in their favor and less about relating their story with a personal, yet similar, story.
5. Brainstorm “With” conversation ideas: Write out notes on things that can be said about the weather, or rooms, places, clothes, etc. Having a collection of impromptu line openers will help slide any situations into a conversation!
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Thursday, February 19, 2015
TAC: The Art of Conversation : 5 levels of TAC
• BBR Productions Inc : TAC: The Art of Conversation : 5 levels of TAC
Each level of TAC comes with new and expansive rules. What a person learns in novice stages of TAC will be expanded upon for more complex TAC-ticians. Though Novice TAC Skills will provide a foundational ground for even Mastery/Advanced levels, a Master TAC-tician might not utilize Novice TAC protocol. Every situation contains specific scenario options. Following basic rules of TAC will continue opening successful pathways. Practice How To Say It, When To Say It, and Why To Say It!
♦ Novice : At this level a TAC-tician should concentrate on learning the value of “With Conversation”, “Jury Talk”, and the power of “Creating Urgency”. Learning how to create conversation without ever approaching another person begins from “With Conversation”.
♦ Competence : At this point a TAC-tician can talk with individuals, hold a conversation and direct it to their needs. They can also get their point across without ever “Upping” a person during their meeting. Finding ways to imbue a sense of relationship quickly comes naturally to a competent TAC-tician.
♦ Proficiency : Once a TAC-tician becomes aware of their conversational control it opens doors to group conversation. No longer in the one on one environment, a Proficient TAC-tician can lead an entire group into any desired direction.
♦ Expertise : There are many levels to understanding TAC: The Art of Conversation. Expertise is considered one of the more complex levels because it involves having control over an entire room, multiple conversations, and maintaining direction throughout one single encountered situation.
♦ Mastery / Advanced : Advance TAC takes all needed rules and throws them all out. Between confidence, a true direction of why, and being completely aware of what will come from any conversation, a Master of TAC is in control at all times of even the other person's line of thought.
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Wednesday, February 18, 2015
TAC: The Art of Conversation : Ask without asking
• BBR Productions Inc : TAC: The Art of Conversation : Ask without asking
Friendship is built on respect. This respect comes from a mutual understanding. Even long term friends have boundaries. Depending on how well friends know each other, or how long they have known one another, could determine the value of specific requests. There is a nice freedom about best friends. There is a sense of openness in certain situations. With that openness there can still be a sense of reserve with most requests. Asking for money, or items can be stressful or off putting.
It can be tough asking a close friend for greater valued requests. Asking a person with no relationship, or hardly one at all, could be even harder. Yet, people do it all the time. There is a reason for this. “Want”: A desire to “want” right this moment can over power logic. There is a saying “Great things come to those who wait”. While we, at BBR Productions Inc, feel you should not stand around waiting and be more proactive; we do believe putting hard work and time into life is important.
Value of friendship is grown with time, with effort. In any field of interest, life is about those friendships. Who you know, is all about Networking. That hard work leads to opportunities. Why!? Friends love working with friends. More exactly, friends love working with friends they like. Adam Sandler surrounds himself with people he enjoys working with. Even if the final product; good or bad, life is about living joyfully doing what you love. A career is define by the fun of its longevity.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2015
TAC: The Art of Conversation : Less is more approach
• BBR Productions Inc : TAC: The Art of Conversation : Less is more approach
In a conversation only one person can speak while other people listen. Otherwise all it becomes is rude overstepping voices. Listening is important more than talking. A first meeting conversation is all about learning who they are, what they do, why they are even there. An advantage to speaking less and listening more grants a sense of mysterious. It opens doors of interest when information is limited to glimpses without being rude. They reveal more while a TAC-tician maintains a sense of mystery.
There becomes no need to search further when a weak TAC-tician reveals to much about themselves. Let people learn a little at a time. Make them earn information. Being quieter is far from considered rude. Most people enjoy talking about their own point views. People enjoy having someone to unload their thoughts onto. A specific moment will come when they become interested in the TAC-tician, other than themselves. This opens doors to express more truth about yourself.
The Less is more approach includes: Talking less and listening more & relieving less to gain more interest value. Exercise: Try listening more in the next conversation. Agree or disagree with the information without adding any input to why, unless they ask for your opinion deeper. Ask questions based on things that are intriguing to know, and keep your will to “relate” down. If a person is talking about their new dog: it is not imperative they know that you also have a dog.
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TAC: The Art of Conversation : The Value of Conversation
• BBR Productions Inc : TAC: The Art of Conversation : The Value of Conversation
There are two forms of communication; verbal and non-verbal. Non-verbal is a powerful ability, but what happens when non-verbal behavior leads to a full blown verbal conversation? How to say it, when to say it and why to say it become essential tools to growing minute relationships. These relationships, if utilized correctly, could turn into long lasting friendships. Knowing how to, when to, and why to say anything are the base rules for TAC: The Art of Conversation.
Bring value to any conversation with skills designed to enhance listen and respond attributes. A conversation is always about other people. Otherwise we would be talking with ourselves. Giving an open ear to individuals allows them to feel respected, and valued as a person. Without an ability to converse with others the world would be at a standstill. Conversation leads to action. It leads to change. A good conversation opens doors, a great conversation break down walls.
More priceless than a conversation is what comes from that conversation. Once a conversation has concluded, it is wise to take mental notes, or even physical notes, to remember some key points. These key points can be used in follow ups, or recaps to bring the next conversation back to that familiar state of comradery. Maybe in conversation it was announced they were getting married, or a birthday was coming up. Events are actions of note. People have value, remember their thoughts.
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Saturday, February 14, 2015
Misconceptions of success - 5 Does to break misconceptions
• BBR Productions Inc : Misconceptions of success - 5 Does to break misconceptions
1. Have you ever been successful? Are you successful right this moment? Are you making a living in the position you want in life, and are you happy? If you answered “no” to any, or all, of those questions then you have no knowledge on how to become successful. Accept and change accordingly.
2. Research your field of interest. Your research should be mixed with how that field works to improve your skill. At the same time, how does the business side of your field of interest work. Knowing the ins and outs of a specific field will help greatly when It comes to finding success.
3. Think outside the box. If you are interested in being a comedian, look into how running a Donut Shop works. Or visa versa, if you own a business, look into how a famous comedian made it. In these different paths you will find similarities which will help you focus on correct necessities.
4. No matter how good you are, it is never about being the best. How you treat yourself, and people around you, is just as important as controlling your financial income/outcome and overhead. While being aware of those ideas, running a business properly creates longevity.
5. Instead of hoping to get discovered by handing your information to a person of interest the moment you meet them, begin by building friendships. This act will open up lasting relationships that a “by-product” would otherwise cancel opportunities or deter that individual(s).
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Thursday, February 12, 2015
Misconceptions of success – You need something to sell
• BBR Productions Inc : Misconceptions of success – You need something to sell
Individuals worry they are not ready to Network and Market because they have nothing to sell. Even when armed with an idea, yet, with nothing physical to sell to the public: A CD, an Item, Show to promote, etc. A client's fear is what do they have to market if nothing is in hand. Brands are more than items. A Brand is the actual product. Things which are sold by a Brand are considered By-Product. Understanding this concept is a major change people must make to succeed.
A band, comedian, even a business, are all the same thing; companies. A person searching for a job as a teacher, doctor, or manager position at a Supermarket, are all companies. People are companies. Some or failing companies living above their overhead, and others are earning income and living in the green. A company must always market their Brand first. Above all else, audiences must connect with a Company's Brand before they are willing to trust in a sale.
First step is reaching out to people within the field of interest. Then, allow audiences to become familiar with a Brand. It can be as simple as small steps on social media till a Company works up enough momentum to do large cost effective marketing. Some companies will market their Brand for well over two years before selling anything. Start the hype; get audiences Aware of a Brand they can become Interested in, so they have a connection to spend money.
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Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Misconceptions of success – Waiting to get good first
• BBR Productions Inc : Misconceptions of success – Waiting to get good first
Learning a skill to achieve a career in a specific field is important. A person should understand, at minimum, the basics of that career's needs. The 3 Needs of Success are bound by maintaining an even growth between each need. Those needs are Network, Market, and Practice. Being the best in a field, skill, or specific craft is not where success comes from. This is where unsuccessful people live in their mind. They believe being the best gets you the best results. There is more to success.
An Comedians tell jokes. This is what they do. But that is not their job. Their job is to Network with individuals building and cultivation relationships. Marketing their Brand to gain awareness which creates interest that ultimately generates sales. All the while practicing their craft so they can play the game when it is their turn at bat. So why do most unsuccessful comedians feel they need to work on their craft only in the beginning?
Because who would be interested in an unfunny, unskilled comedian!? Truth is Networking and Marketing to build relationships as a Brand is the foundation of success. Brand growth leads to opportunities. Jokes are a by-product of that Brand. They are secondary. Meet people now to establish friendships. People work with people they like. Market the Brand, not what that Brand does. Getting a name out there is objective number one. This is a comedian's real job. Jokes is what a comedian does.
For readers interested in a non-performing career; A student going to college to perfect their degree and earn requirements to teach are important. When that student graduates, now they have to start looking for a job. What if that student began Networking and Marketing with schools, teachers, people of note within the educational system by going to events, etc, while earning their degree, to build those relationships beforehand? The hard work is completed for when that student graduates.
Be proactive in life. Waiting leads to lost time. Always Network, Market, and Practice together.
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Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Misconceptions of success – If I perform I'll be successful
• BBR Productions Inc : Misconceptions of success – If I perform I'll be successful
Entertainers believe performances could lead to fans, being discovered, selling merchandise, and a chance to tour with a headliner. This is when people start to make choices based on assumptions. Fans grow with Brand awareness. When no one is at a show, how can you build your fan-base? Why would a Headliner bring an unknown with them? What does that Brand have to offer? A Booking Agent handles tour arrangements. It could happen if a relationship is built with that headliners interest
Think outside the box. A performance could not lead to being hired for a specific job. A new teacher will not get hired because they teach already. Face-time with faculty helped build relationships to be heard or even considered for that job. This goes for any job. How does a person get a job if they are not already doing that job? Through Networking with people of note, marketing a Brand's value and Practicing said craft to be capable of completing said job.
Performing is a Give. A Give is a gift to an already established fan-base. If a Brand does not have 10,000 audience members interested in seeing a performance, then bookers will not care nor will shows / performances make a difference at that point. Think outside the box. Over time, a performer should try different things if their way is not working. Let past failures of others teach how they did or did not succeed on their own. It came down to more than performing. Network, Market, and Practice!
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Monday, February 9, 2015
Misconceptions of success – Success Is Money
• BBR Productions Inc : Misconceptions of success – Success Is Money
A huge misconception of success comes in the form of money. Money might feel slightly like success, but it is an illusion. Money comes and goes with a blink of an eye. Earning income is only a quick solution to a long problem. Hours = Money: An entertainer's life, employee working to become management, situations which are all considered Recouping Income. Having a big house filled with dollar bills is more a status symbol than a sense of success.
Others might believe success is surviving life doing what they love. A person doing what they love to earn income and survive is, again, considered recouping income. Doing what they love while waking up each morning happy, that is success. Success is a state of mind. Once that state of mind is embrace anything else is very possible. If a musician wants to write songs and they are writing songs they are successful. Directors directing small web-series; successful! Doing it is success.
Why is believing money makes success an issue? Money could take over a passion's desire. There are people fighting to do what others are doing. Audience members watching bands, wishing they could be up there playing their heart out. That's success. Money vanishes. Peace will come when success is seen in action. Once that level of enlightenment has been found all other obstacles can be beaten. Longevity is about wealth. Wealth is better than money. For now, DO what drives your passion.
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Friday, February 6, 2015
Marketing Correctly – 5 Does to help with Marketing Correctly
• BBR Productions Inc : Marketing Correctly – 5 Does to help with Marketing Correctly
When in doubt, remember these 5 wonderfully helpful tips to Marketing Correctly. Keep in mind, marketing is not about what you are selling. It is about selling a relationship with your audience and the Brand.
1. If you do not like something then most likely others will not like it either: How often do you find yourself not liking a post on Facebook of someone asking you to come to a show? Or, do you think the “buy this now” phrase is a tad much!? Truth is, if you don't like how you are being marketed to, than most likely others don't like that method either. So why market the same way?
2. Simple means easy to remember: Keep marketing to the point. No need to add every single detail on an advertizement. The important stuff is the easy stuff. Name, Slogan, Brand, Item, Website. Anything outside of those things is glutinous. A person might want to publicizes they designed the poster themselves, or create the item, maybe even booked the event. Too much is too much.
3. Keep your emotions out of it: Of course you love the design of the idea! You came up with it. Have others look into your marketing ideas, designs, and campaigns. A third party, or parties, opinions can help direct an emotional mind. Listen to, and write down, everything these people say. Not everything is going to be valid, but it is all valuable. You created it, now let others guide you.
4. Lay it down throw it out; A hand full of Business Cards, Post Cards, or even little 4x6 fliers are useless if left in one place. Be personable and hand it out in conversation. Yes, it takes longer, but the time placed into people builds the relationship interest. It is not always about how many people you can hand something to, but how many people you can get to remember a “friend” gave it to them.
5. Long Term Marketing: Dating advertisements is a rich man's game. Why? Because in the scheme of all that is marketing, you have to place a lot of money into reintroducing new ideas to audience members when you change the date / information. For practical lower budget marketing strategies, keep to marketing the Brand. Your website is the See me, Hear me, Touch me, Taste me and Buy me!
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Thursday, February 5, 2015
Marketing Correctly – Let people decided if they like it
• BBR Productions Inc : Marketing Correctly – Let people decided if they like it
A Brand begins with an idea. A conception can be anything in the world. Limited ideas can create walls of disillusion. When companies think from an audience to a product they come up with two things; Already invented ideas and/or nothing at all. A Brand's audience is not determined by a desired audience but on how well that Brand is marketed. Smart marketing is about giving an audience a chance to make up their mind: getting them interested in buying what they became aware of.
When coming up with a marketing strategy companies will try and figure out their target audience. This is not always necessarily to limit where, or rather who, to market directly too. It sets up guidelines to “Market Boost”. A Market Boost is usually where a company traditionally starts a Marketing Campaign and gets the most out of it initially. There are other names for this process. After a specific Market, that company may start marketing in a general area to pull in audiences outside their market.
Placing all a company's eggs into one marketing basic can pigeonhole sales to a plateau. Even though, according to “NIKE” statistics; College Students 18-24, or working athletes 25-34, with no kids are buying the most shoes. If “NIKE” continued to Market to this demographic that would begin limiting sales. Instead, they market a “JUST DO IT!” mentality. Which all people have. “Be the best by being your best.” Everyone in the world can JUST DO IT to be the best they can be. Smart marketing.
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Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Marketing Correctly – Keep it Simple Stupid
• BBR Productions Inc : Marketing Correctly – Keep it Simple Stupid
In marketing there is a golden rule: Keep It Simple Stupid. Also known as the KISS rule. Every ounce of time and money placed towards a marketing campaign has to have a huge return. Spending more money than is allotted in a Marketing Budget, Incorrect Marketing, or even creating throw away items can lead to wasted resources only taking away from a Brand rather than adding to it. To build the rule of 10%, and keep it consistent, the best method is Keep It Simple Stupid.
Designing a really good Ad, or commercial, is about placing the most important information in the front of your audience's eyes. Once that information has been pushed, continue pushing that specific information without changing it so the consistency helps build the return of a Brand's 10%. The human brain can remember seven things, plus or minus two. This is why five things of written, or spoken, information is best when marketing.
To understand a Brand's Voice, Image, and the Conversation created by audience members, write down and explore these ideas in detail. When a company masters a Brand's purpose inside and out, that company then has Marketing Direction. Five Important Points: Website (URL), Brand Logo/Name, Brand Image/Icon, Slogan, and an item's name being sold. Example: Pepsi is selling a new Orange Soda and design a poster. It might look and say the following: Image below!
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Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Marketing Correctly – Keep things consistent
• BBR Productions Inc : Marketing Correctly – Keep things consistent
Habits are created by repeating an action set around certain parameters. Marketing works in the same way a Habit is built. Give an audience repetitive imagery, or slogans, and that audience will begin to connect through association. The rule of 10% works because customers see a Brand multiple times. The idea is to keep that Brand's push consistent in Image and Voice to generate Conversation. Obviously that conversation should be positively interesting to get people to talk about that brand.
A particular look, or Image, connects with audiences when they can relate to what they are seeing emotionally. Change that up on them, and it will be harder to connect. The human mind needs repetition. Slight changes need to be introduced gradually. Even the Voice, or what a Brand stands for, must maintain a continuous message. “Nike” is about that Check Mark and Michael Jordan logo with the slogan “Just Do It!”. That is a multimillion dollar Brand which people can related to on image alone.
In the beginning, unless you are a movie; since movie studios have unlimited resources for their marketing budget, keep away from dating a product. Spend a limited budget on the Marketing plan. Market the Brand as much as possible to build up Awareness and increase the rule of 10%'s chances of success. The more audiences see a logo/name, feel and Brand's complete package, the more likely they are going to buy into an interest of knowing more about that Brand on their own.
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Monday, February 2, 2015
Marketing Correctly – The Rule of 10%, 1% of your market
• BBR Productions Inc : Marketing Correctly – The Rule of 10%, 1% of your market
A Company with 1% of their market interacting with an established Brand are doing extremely well. Getting, and maintaining, that 1% comes down to Marketing within The Rule of 10%. This rule is based on three levels of a consumer. When a Brand is established, the goal is to BUILD AWARENESS, which CREATES INTEREST, that ultimately GENERATES SALES. A sale is a consumer buying into that Brand and becoming life long fans.
This process is a numbers game. With cold calling you pick up the phone and ask the same question over and over again; “Hello, are you interested in upgrading your internet?” No? Next caller. Eventually a sale will be made. This works the same in marketing. That is why there are lots of Movie Posters hug up in a long line. They make up the number game in sight of a moving target. How do these numbers work best for a Brand?
The Movie Poster theory is a helpful example. If one poster was hung up and a group of 1,000 people walked passed; it is suggested that 10% will become aware of this poster. Out of 100 people being aware of it only 10% will find interest in any information provide. After those 10 people are done being interested in that poster only 1 person will become a sale. The more posters that group of 1,000 people see, the better your number outcome is guaranteed to be. Be seen, and keep things consistent.
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