Saturday, April 25, 2015

Power of Now – 5 Helpful tips to do now

• BBR Productions Inc : Power of Now – 5 Helpful tips to do now

Where does motivation come from? Is it inspired through others? Does it come from action creating reaction which turns into results? Life is short so why wait till later to do something when your time is now. These helpful tips will get you up and moving!

1) Have a list : A to do list is extremely helpful. It takes a mind away from thinking what is next. It shows tasks. Look at the list, do the first thing on top. Simply look at this list and get up. Make yourself get up and do. There is no better time than right now.

2) Compare : What are you going out of your way to do vs what you want in your life? Compare these lists. If you are getting up and going to a job you hate; why? What do you do right now to get yourself up and out that door for a job you hate!? Well, why not change that energy toward things you love.

3) Deadlines : Have a calendar with deadlines written on it. Place the calendar on the wall next to a heavily trafficked doorway. This will allow these deadlines to be seen each day before leaving the house. Place reminders on the calendar as well: “Ten days before you must do this specific task now!”

4) Teamwork : It is a known fact that having a buddy to go workout with helps motivate. When feeling down and out, a buddy could come over and say “Let's go do this now and get it over with!”. They push you. Have a friend or family member pushing you. Everyone needs a good kick now and then.

5) Major 3 : Wake up early, Time Management, and Eat Healthier. By waking up early allows for less distraction. Getting up before the world begins. Time Management is there to help take back control over time. Eating healthier is important for the body. Become your control to do now!

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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Power of Now – The Power of waiting?

• BBR Productions Inc : Power of Now – The Power of waiting?

When to wait, or where to wait, and why to wait; these are all very deep questions which can define a person's path to action right now. Waiting helps individuals figure it while planning. Truth is, waiting is smart. How one waits is the tricky part. Some wait till they have mastered a craft/skill. Others wait for the opportune moment. There is much to accomplish while waiting out certain aspects and hopes. Getting all the ducks lined up in a row before jumping in can also keep a career from being ready.

College students are a really great example of waiting till they are ready. A teacher, or doctor, want to finish school before they start really perusing their career. However, waiting to finish school might take anywhere between 4 to 6 years, if not longer: Depending on the degree. There are things which must be set in motion at this stage. From setting up a financial budget to networking and marketing your brand. What brand? You! You are a Brand. What you stand for, how others view you. Build this Brand value while also building relationships. This helps get you above the rest of your competition.

It is a good idea to wait before letting others in on know you are good, or have master a specific craft. The idea is to build relationships with people as a person. Get to know them while they figure out who you are. That relationship will help expand beyond what you do as a craft. Marketing gets people to know they can trust you, that you are nice, professional and always willing to lend a hand with your volunteered time. Set up your business, your life as a business. Run it properly. Open it wisely!

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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Power of Now – Making things happen

• BBR Productions Inc : Power of Now – Making things happen

There are many tasks which need to come to fruition for a successful life. A career is based on accomplishing X amount of goals while climbing that specific ladder to achieve. Having a dream about certain ideas is a prison at times. Knowing what you want and actually going out of your way to bring life to that dream are two different paths. Standing still; in fear, in uncertainty, or whatever is keeping steps frozen. It happens. It can keep life from happening.

A career is what a person wants to enjoy doing in life. It brings in money, but it also has a sense of pride to it. A joy about waking up. A job can be depressing. A place you have to go and less about where you want to go. Think about life as a Career and a Job. You want that dream, that career, and yet things which need to be completed rarely happen. Yet, a person will go out of their way to get to a job they hate. Why do people give so much for so little back? They miss their opportunity.

Your life is now. You deserve to take a chance. Nothing will come because of amazing talent. Action must be taken to see dreams awoken. Stop giving to a life you do not believe in. Then, wake up and give to that life you want to have. People have staled their life because they want a sure thing. They want the whole pie on entry. You could have everything you want, but it takes time, dedication and action. To have the life you want, you must make things happen by making things happen!

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Monday, April 20, 2015

Power of Now – Doing to do

• BBR Productions Inc : Power of Now – Doing to do

There will come a time walls are built directly in front of a path. Walls pausing motivation. Forcing the mind to stop, the will to crumble and ideas screeching to a stop. This, most of all, can happen when dreams become the focus. Wishing and wanting are great while brainstorming. Though a dream will never accomplish tasks, finding purpose helps tip action scales in a productive direction. Whatever it is that has been dreamt up must have a proactive process behind it. Doing to do.

Action speaks louder than words. Such a powerful statement. Create that list of tasks and get on it. One thing a day is 365 a year. Satisfaction comes from accomplishment. It helps motivate and guide direction. Seeing a list of tasks being completed really pushes the heart of action. Many people waste away their time by hoping or wishing something could happen. Worse, they believe they do not deserve it. Deserving success has nothing to do with making things happen by making things happen.

Now go make a list of dreams; a bucket list. Figure out the path to accomplish that larger goal with a coupling of S.M.A.R.T. Goal Tasks and get yourself doing what needs to be done. You will be surprised how far you go with succeeding if you can cross that list off as you complete task after task. You have only right now to make your life happen, so set a plan in motion and do. Most of all, everything a person does must be done with joy. If you are not happy, change it up. Now, start doing to do!

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Monday, April 13, 2015

Power of Now – Fear of trying

• BBR Productions Inc : Power of Now – Fear of trying

Fear keeps even the strongest person at bay. Life happens when action is taken. More accurately, if you want something tomorrow you must take action now. Fear holds back outcome. Breaking down these walls of fear open up endless opportunity. Take advantage of chance. Dreaming away life will get a person only one thing; at the end of their life with nothing to show for it. Wealthy people, celebrities, successful entertainers; each person took a chance and failed to success!

A human mind is designed to warn a person of danger. It creates a sense of Fear. This fear allows a person to make a decision; Fight or Flight. The adrenaline pumps and boom a choice is made. Fight or Flight into the darkness of chance! Failure is going to happen. People will ridicule those outside a normal box of attempt. Others will say “No”, or “You're not really the right kind of person for this” and fine, let them say this. The power of now comes from creating opportunity.

When doors are closed, build a new one leading into a different direction. Not every “no” is meant to push you away. It is meant to show you a different direction. Failure leads to success, because there will always be one person willing to preserver into life's uncalculated journey. Hoping someone or thing will help them. Well, it will not. A person must make things happen by making things happen. Work together with those willing to work together and for all others, push on forward! Live!

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Saturday, April 4, 2015

Worth in Action – 5 Actions to better Worth

• BBR Productions Inc : Worth in Action – 5 Actions to better Worth

Become worthy of your own time. Grow as a person, idea and a company so that the worth in action motivates others to better themselves. Lead by example, grow as a team, inspire through action. So here are 5 Actions to Better your worth.

1) Have a plan : S.M.A.R.T. Goals are one part of having a plan. They direct the plan into plausible action. Take your life goals and write it into a business plan. Organize tasks and larger goals into this plan. How you will Network, Market, and Practice to build your value.

2) Take control of time, money, and self : Budgeting skills help define control over these three areas of life. Once Time, money and self are in your hands; anything becomes possible. Know when to say No to time and yes to self. Save & Invest money wisely, and of course educate yourself.

3) Break a few rules : Naysayers will condemn ideas of change. Though there are certain rules to success, or even life in general, this does not mean there could not be other options. Try things. This is how we got to the moon. Explain brainstorming ideas and if need be; Failure to succeed.

4) Brand before Stand : Get the brand out there before trying to showcase talent. Let people become aware of who, what and why you are doing what you do. What you are doing is living and enjoying the life which is yours. It is not always about the “skill” you want to do, but how people perceive you.

5) Learn from others : Not where they are, but how they got there. Study how individuals within your field of interest became successful. Study their obtained levels of success. How they got there, maintained it and in some cases retired and continued to enjoy the benefits of their hard work.

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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Worth in Action – Your worth, your level

• BBR Productions Inc : Worth in Action – Your worth, your level

Are you trying to be the next level before you are? There is a set way to the top with different variables. The levels are the same in preparation, dedication, and organization. What you do during your time in those levels changes from person to person, career to career. So many people try and work within a level they are not ready for. It would be almost impossible to start out running a start up business as a millionaire, unless of course you were already a millionaire.

There are five level to make a career last forever. 1) Foundation. This is the process of saving money, networking, marketing and practicing. So that you can be ready for the next level. 2) 365 Days. Once free to attempt a career life,because a foundation is set up, start getting involved, and continue to be more proactive with Networking, Marketing a Brand and Practicing. 3) 2-5 years in. This is the time a person can begin activity. Utilizing connection, being more active in a specific craft.

This is where it gets difficult. Most people run at this level way before they are ready for it. 4) 10,000 or more. This is an expertise level. Give your audience what they want. Simply because 10,000+ people want what you have to offer. 5) 6-10 years in. Invest earning over expenses to ensure longevity. When financial success is earned to help maintain income, start investing money to help generate Wealth over Money. Money fades when it is left to its own devices. Wealth generates when worked.

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Worth in Action – Worth of the worthy

• BBR Productions Inc : Worth in Action – Worth of the worthy

There are five major sides to a person's Triangle of Life; 3 Needs of Success (People In Our Lives), 3 Needs of Purpose (Financial Control), 3 Needs of Longevity (Company of Life Being Ran Correctly), Assets (Wealth Generator), and of course Treating Your Life Like A Business by utilizing all sides of one's Triangle. Each of these sides deal with people in fashion or another. Who are these people within your circle of life?

Take note to the worth of those deemed worthy enough to ride on your bus. Keep people around with qualities that help define, or better your life. If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room. Though, you should always be the most aware. Here is a good list to look over. How much of this list does any one person fill up in your life, on your bus? There are 26 qualities a person should have. Each Quality is worth 4%, how well to your people add up?

• Trustworthy & Honest          • Selfless
• Respectful & Kind                  • Flexible
• Persistent                                • Positive
• Knowledgeable                      • Brave
• Proactive                                 • Givers
• Driven                                      • Able to Manage Time & Money
• Self-Reliant                              • Enthusiastic
• Patient                                     • Conversationalist & Good Listener
• Passionate                               • Self Control
• Optimistic                               • Prepared
• Filled with Integrity               • Empathetic
• Confident                                • Intuitive
• Creative                                   • Responsible
• Self-Aware

A good judge of character is, if you feel it, it must be true. Any % of a person's quality can be utilized on a bus. How far would you ride with your eyes closed, a sleep and with your life in their hands be a lower quality person? 0-20 Questionable / 21-39 They have their flaws / 40-60 Average / 61-79 Good people / 80-100 My life, their hands. Your life is given one chance at this journey. Embrace it, love it and live around people who bring quality to your adventure, venture, and purpose. Grow together.

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