Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Selling the profit; What does a Publicist do?

Today's Tip – Selling the profit; What does a Publicist do? -

A publicist’s main role is to be a liaison between their client and the media. Publicists are expected to create pr campaigns for their client that will promote their brand and make them more visible within their market. Your ideal publicist is one that will work one-on-one with their client to create a strong ideal union throughout a consistent focus for a client's entire campaign. This is done with buzz building in an effort to generate positive media attention for their client while also addressing any negative attention. “What makes my client press worthy?” That's the starting point.

There are two clients a Publicist can take on. A) The beginner client. They have no audience, no awareness towards their brand. This is a mixture of bringing awareness to a brand, and developing a brand name to push. Working with the client to create a voice that will connect with a wide range of marketable age groups. B) A client who already has a name brand awareness. In this situation a Publicist would help continue to grow that brand awareness, and keep their client's name in a good light.

What a Publicist rarely does is deal with bookings, though they will be known to help promote a show for a promoter/booking agent. Normally they will not talk directly to radio station program managers, or push a client in colleges. In situations like that, they hire other companies to take care of those things. A Publicist designs PR Campaigns, S.M.A.R.T. Goal-Setting skills with their client and brand awareness. They take care of contacting the necessary people who need to be handled to make this PR Campaigns go.





Deadly Nights (Band)

Selling the profit; The First Four Years lasts a Lifetime

Today's Tip – Selling the profit; The First Four Years lasts a Lifetime -

In the first four years you need to make an impact on your audience. Keep in mind it takes, on average, ten years to make something happen. I, personally, believe it takes 1 full year of Networking, Marketing and Practicing, to become successful. Though, success doesn't mean a millionaire. As it has been stated, it takes about 10,000 hours to perfect your craft and become an expert. That goes for your skill in Networking, Marketing and your ability to Practice your craft, and the two aforementioned needs. Do you see a pattern with all these damn numbers?

That's right, it takes time. A whole lot time. But, time spent doing things incorrectly slow you down. In estimations, every moment you are doing it wrong, it takes about time and half to get back on track. That is why when practicing something it is wise to stop doing it if you are doing it wrong, and start over. Your mind, and body, will remember everything you do. Even if it is wrong, it will remember it that way. So don't waste your first four years thinking you know what you are doing. If you are new to the game, it means you know nothing. And that is not a bad thing.

The good news is that there are people out there already successful, already making it happen. There are even people who teach this information to you. Most schools give you an idea, some outside companies flood your mind with all the necessary information you need for your field. There are marketing companies out there that do this very thing. So, how to do it is more important than doing it? They are both as important. You need to be doing, but you need to be doing it correctly. You have three choices.

1) Start researching the path successful people took (in your field and others) then create S.M.A.R.T. Goals to find your way there.
          - This takes about 10 years and 10,000 hours to master.

2) Pay a person, or group of people, to help teach and guide you through your necessary needs to help you set goals, and why you are setting these goals.
           - This can be expensive, as all schools and teaching methods are. The advantage, it cuts your 10 years down to 5 years, and you'd still need 10,00 hours to master it. Why is it cut down? Because someone is guiding you and showing you the right way. You are cutting out the fail time, search time, and the “I know what I am doing (but you really don't) time.”.

3) Hire a firm to take care of all of the Networking and Marketing, while they teach you to practice all of the above.
            - This cuts your time down to 1 year, with still needing 10,000 hours to master. Reason? They are doing it for you, and showing you the way, but mostly because they are handling everything with pinpoint accuracy. This cost a pretty penny, but worth every cent. These are known as PR Companies, Marketing Firms, and even Publicists.




Deadly Nights (Band)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Selling the profit; Getting your name out there

Today's Tip – Selling the profit; Getting your name out there -

In business there are only two ways to get your name out there. 1) Advertisement, and 2) Exposure! Then there is two other forms of marketing that people believe deeply in. A) Buy my stuff, and B) Free. People buying your stuff, as it is a great way to earn money, only comes when another person feels prompted to do so. Free, on the other hand is a great way to start building your marketability. Through sales a person can keep track to what is “going” (yourself can keep track of what is “coming”). You can also keep track of your free things as well.

Is it always important to take on sale routes? No. Not always. If you take on a sales route remember you are dealing with another form of market growth. Place your idea on a shelf and place a price tag on it. How many people will buy it just because they saw it? Take that same scenario and give your product away for free. How many people will take a free sample? People love free, and big businesses know this. That is why they do giveaways, AND, cut prices through sales for people to take more of their bi-product.

In success it is about getting your idea into people's hands. That is the most important thing in the world. Getting your name out there in the minds of millions. Once you get there you'll finally be able to come out with anything and people will buy into it. They will trust you are a worthy product to take note to. Use your strong motivational skills to Marketing your name with Advertisement and Exposure till every soul knows who and what you are about. Money earned will never grant you wealth. So, get your name out their to gain wealth in your name. Money will grow from there.




Deadly Nights (Band)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Perception is 9/10ths of the world; SWOT!

Today's Tip – Perception is 9/10ths of the world; SWOT!

Today is Friday. Unlike the other days of the week from this week this will be a brief how to. This is something that can be useful in every part of your life and business. It's called SWOT. It stands for; Strengths, Weakness's, Opportunity's and Threats. We are going to do a very detailed version of this soon but for now, to get your feet wet.

In a nutshell, this will help you with your marketing, for you, for your business, For anything BY identifying the following.


Things you excel at, the positives. Things within your control. What do you do well? What resources do you have? What advantages do you have over your competition?


Note the weaknesses within your business area or self. Weaknesses are factors that are within your control that keep you from obtaining what you want. Which areas might you improve? Shy, Introverted, boisterous... any of these things could be a weakness you need to address.


Opportunities assess the external things that represent the reason for your business to exist. These are external to your business and yourself. What opportunities exist in your world from which you want to benefit? This could be as simple as knowing the right people from your Networking.


These are external, things that could keep you fro achieving your goals as a company or a person. It could be a person. So and So hates you but would have to approve something you need to move forward.. that's a threat.

What this means

The two internals will help you deal with the two externals. Doing this will help you get a bigger picture of what you need to proceed forward with less surprises. It's particularly well suited to business, but can be utilized personally as well.

So stay tuned, two weeks from now we will be going over all of this in detail including some simple worksheets so that you too can learn the power of the force. I mean SWOT




Deadly Nights (Band)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Today's Tip – Perception is 9/10ths of the world; Mistakes can be fixed

02.23.12 Today's Tip – Perception is 9/10ths of the world; Mistakes can be fixed

We have gone over taking any kind of small steps before. All progress is progress, it does seem important to review this fact again, and again until it is redundant and repetitive. One step in the completely wrong direction still takes you further then you would have gone without taking a step at all. If nothing else you're moving. What happens though when it was a mistake that effects you or others around you in a bad way.

Lets say you do go the wrong way now what... Oops mistakes happen. If it involves someone else then acknowledge the mistake. Ignoring it won't help and makes you look silly. Ignoring the mistake just makes you look like a jerk. Everyone makes mistakes, jerks ignore them. Take responsibility for it. Don't get defense you screwed it up you fix it, or ask for help. This includes if its only effecting you. Don't blame others, own the error. This next is really important. Apologize, even if only to yourself two of the simplest words, “I'm sorry.” they are the hardest to say but carry great meaning. One you have done these things its time to fix the mistake.

There will be times when you can't, if you can though fix it. Better yet, have some ideas on how to fix it. If it is something that is unfixable but you are still trying to make amends you can ask them what you can do to make it up to them. If it only affected you then ask yourself what you can do to make it better. Don't forget to listen, remember all those active listening blogs we did, utilize them now so you know how to respond. Finally do what you say to fix the problem, doesn't matter if its for others or yourself once you decide what to do to correct the problem you need to follow through. Apologizing for not taking care of the issue that warranted the original apology falls back into the Jerk category.




Deadly Nights (Band)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Perception is 9/10ths of the world; Take a leap of faith without my permission

Today's Tip – Perception is 9/10ths of the world; Take a leap of faith without my permission

It seems to me people need permission to do things. They want to be told to do it, or signed off on or simply directed to do something. Whatever it may be. Is that what might be holding you back? Well Let me give it to you then. You have my permission, my partners too. Our kids, pets, and imaginary friends give you permission to do what you most want to. Assuming it's not illegal anyway, even then its not a deal breaker. We might give it, you never know it could be a moral imperative.

You don't need permission. You need to act. You don't need anything but to choose, and then act. Take that leap of faith like so many have before you and just step out over the abyss like Indy did and start walking. You can reach your own grail in that manner. Maybe you want riches, fame, fortune, a velociraptor no matter what it is you want from life you can achieve it using networking, marketing and practice. Overcome obstacles, stop being a wall to your own progress.

Most of all give yourself permission to try, give yourself permission to succeed. You will never find out if you can do something if you don't try in the first place. For example, I wanted to try getting pregnant, so far no luck, but I keep trying anyway. Besides having someone else to help around the house, I would be very rich after the media circus had its way “A Miracle— Man gives Birth, Fist Time EVER!” It hasn't happened yet though, I haven't given up hope though so I keep trying, maybe someday :)

Have some faith in yourself in your abilities and others will follow suit. Humans as a rule like to be led, they like being told what to do. It's a natural born instinct in most so use that to your advantage, be the teller, the rule maker the king of all you survey. Most of all, be you!




Deadly Nights (Band)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Perception is 9/10ths of the world; How can they? Better yet, How can you?!

Today's Tip – Perception is 9/10ths of the world; How can they? Better yet, How can you?! -

Hard things happen in life, bad things, evil things. Life in all its grand scope sometimes hands you a big steaming pile of crap, it's what you do with it that counts. Many of the people we look to as role models have had a rough time of it. That's why they get held up as example of how one can overcome ones obstacles and achieve greatness.

JK Rowling
- Harry Potter anyone? Depression, anxiety, fear all this and more. She did it. She has more money then she can use and donates about half to help others.

Rosa Parks - Talk about adversity. Tired of not being held back because of her skin tone, she took the smallest step, that had the biggest impact. Think about that, she sat down and the United States changed.

Rick Allen - One armed drummer? Really.. one arm? He overcame, because he chose to.

Ray Charles - Blind, and better than everyone.

Natalie Du Toit - Natalie is a swimmer with only one leg. Winner of four gold medals at the 2004 Olympics and later on qualified for the 2008 Olympics.

Whats stopping you? What's keeping you from taking that one small step to head you on the path to the greatness within yourself? I'm betting it's nothing but yourself. No one can stop you from striving for more except for you. Maybe you need to be pushed a bit, prodded some or given a swift kick from time to time but in the end it all comes down to what you are willing to do to achieve your goals. So what are you willing to do? Lose and arm or a leg, become so depressed your convinced your kids going to die, become blind? Sometimes its so very simple, like sitting down when everything you know, everything you have been taught and everyone tells you you cannot. Whats it going to be?




Deadly Nights (Band)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Perception is 9/10ths of the world; Like yourself, others want to like you too

Today's Tip – Perception is 9/10ths of the world; Like yourself, others want to like you too -

Living the life you deserve. That YOU deserve. It's conceivable that you don't think that you deserve very much. It is probable that even if you thought you deserved more that you wouldn't know how to start. Even more, it's possible that you are getting exactly what you deserve. However, you can do better; you should do better, and you will do better if you can manage to see clearly through all the mundane muck and detritus that blind you to the truth. That truth being this “Perception is 9 /10ths of the world!” How you perceive yourself to be relates directly to how others see you. So start seeing yourself in a different light, a better light... dare I say it an Elven light.

If you think you cannot do it, then you can't. If you think that you don't deserve it, then you don't. If you think that someone else deserves it more, worked harder for it and is better than you are, then they are. What's more, if other people see you that way, you are in very serious trouble. You have to change how you see yourself, one thing flows from the other. Once you see yourself in a positive light then others begin to. It's called confidence and it comes from within, outside stimuli affects it to some extent, but shouldn't be the overwhelming factor. Feedback and criticism should be used to improve you, not break you. We are all guilty of this, we overcome it through introspection and evaluating our own strengths and weakness's.

Start having some faith in yourself and others will follow along. Someone, somewhere wants whatever it is you have, be ready for it. Be ready to make things happen... by making things happen both internally and externally. Have faith in yourself and others will as well. You are the great, you can do it, you will do it... lets get started!




Deadly Nights (Band)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Motivation... a step up; Guest Blogger: Bryan Radtke

Today's Tip – Motivation... a step up; Guest Blogger: Bryan Radtke is an Actor, Writer, Director and Professional Gypsy at Large.

Motivation can be a real issue sometimes for creatives. If we are at a place in our lives where the bulk of our income comes from creatively un-fulfilling ventures and the rent is due, it may be easy to take an extra shift rather than finish that screenplay. When we have some free time, it may be more fun to research your fantasy baseball roster rather than practice your scales. When we have had 3 days of double shifts, it may be easier to watch a full season of Jersey Shore. But ultimately we are cheating ourselves of opportunities to explore our gifts. I'm neither telling people not to go to work, nor endorsing a sleepless lifestyle.

My main point (and regular challenge) is that we must make time for the things that will fulfill us. Why? Because great ideas for screenplays don't write themselves. Interesting plays don't produce themselves. Compelling roles don't perform themselves. And all of the aforementioned pursuits, may not provide a cure for cancer or feed all of the hungry , but they do help make the world a slightly better place. We have all heard the line about living the life we imagine. But the truth is, you can't stop there. You have to DO something. Even if our schedules are jam packed, we could probably find 15 minutes to dedicate to writing that next scene, reconnecting with managers or agents, or perfecting the bass line to any Stevie Wonder tune from the 70s.

I guess we need to consistently remind ourselves that our goals are worthy goals. We have to convince ourselves that we deserve a fulfilling life as an actor, musician, poet, etc ... And we need make time to regularly exercise the very things that fulfill us. It can be difficult. It can be frustrating. But it is noble and necessary in a civilized society. There are people that do and there are people who don't. But I think more accurately, there are many more people who can but won't. If you are an actor, act. If you are a writer, write. If you are a musician, play music. If you put enough scenes together, you get a play, If you perfect enough songs you can have a concert. But it starts with doing something, doing something every day that can get you to your goals.

Start by simply acknowledging that your goals are worthy and it will take time and effort to achieve those goals. Then budget some time toward those goals. You are worth it. I am certain that the satisfaction you receive working on the things that you love will be exponentially better than what you can get from even 5 minutes of Jersey Shore.




Deadly Nights (Band)

Friday, February 17, 2012

5 ways to motivate yourself; Stop making up new reasons to why you are stuck

Today's Tip – 5 ways to motivate yourself; Stop making up new reasons to why you are stuck -

“I want to make a living doing this thing that I love.”
“You should start making some calls to people who do that too.”
“I can't right now because I have to start doing this first.”
“So do that first then.”
“Well I don't have the time because I need to pay my bills to I have to work a crappy job.”

Where does this take you? How does this help? Do you REALLY want to do that thing you love? The answer is yes you do but no you don't want to deal with all the good of putting hard work into something you love. Things can happen with a little hard work. So many times you'll find people who just want it to happen without the hard work. The hard work scares people away. The above conversation is that of a person who finds reasons NOT to complete or take a chance on their dreams. Great, you have to do this before that, then do it. Make plans to have it happen.

You have to do many things, but that doesn't mean don't do things because you can't get to them until you do other things. Wow, that was a tough sentence to get out. Everyone wants it, just don't be that large % of people who continue to find, make and look for excuses. Be better of that, so you can be better at what you want to do. So as you look at your direction, and hear your own voice in that mind of yours, saying you can't or shouldn't or there are other things in your way... and even worse “you will wait it out”, then stop your voice!

If you have to wait 6 months to get started? If you need to find a safety net, then do so, but don't waste that time while holding off. Network, Market and Practice are the things to keep going. While keeping that up please continue researching everything that will help you on your road to success. Every second counts, every turn leads to something. Become your personal something for this is your life, let it come to life. You are as amazing as anything else out there. Motivate yourself with your most perfect truth. YOU CAN AND YOU WILL!!!




Deadly Nights (Band)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

5 ways to motivate yourself; I will!

Today's Tip – 5 ways to motivate yourself; I will! -

We started the week off with “I can” and.... “I will!!!”. I will can change both your outlook and chances. “I will get started today!” is a great way to make your mind start working. Do you have to be finishing what you want today? Nah, you need only start on your way. Starting is much harder than finishing. If you can get over the lump of starting, the hill ride down to the finish line is a great deal easier. Think of your success in a matter of steps. “I Will” start on my goals today. “I Will” make those phone calls... “I WILL” because “I CAN”.

Think positively when attacking your goals. Don't feel overwhelmed if you are slowing down. As long as you are doing something, you are moving forward. That motion forward comes with a strength created by “I WILL”. “I will”, broken down, means a few things. The will of yourself. Will, power of determination. “I”, you, the center of self. Combined this together and you are the center of power, determination, and focus. Stay on course throughout your means. Stray away from your directions and you need only remind yourself with purpose. Have your mantras ready.

“There are no walls, only solutions” and “Make things happen, by making things happen.” are two mantras that will focus your mind. You know there are no walls, only solutions because everything can be fixed, done or accomplished. The phrase “Make things happen by making things happen” makes the most sense. Since nothing gets done by sitting around waiting for it to get done. Actions creates action. Be your WILL, be your motion. BE YOUR STRENGTH. Focus on what you want, know what you want and have reminders all around you telling you want you want.





Deadly Nights (Band)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

5 ways to motivate yourself; Remember, small check lists are less overwhelming

Today's Tip – 5 ways to motivate yourself; Remember, small check lists are less overwhelming -

Writing out 40 things on a “to do list” can overwhelm your mind. So, cut it down to 10 things you need to start on. Finish those 10 things and add 10 more when you are done. This method will also give you a sense of accomplishment as you fly through your smaller list. This motivates your mind to want to accomplish more. When you see before you a huge list of 40 things to get done, even if you attacked and completed 15 of those things the list would feel like you didn't even chip it. And you'll want to just take a break... for who knows how long.

When cutting your large list down this also gets your mind working. You start thinking about what is more important than other things. This is a method to help you organize yourself. You might want to attack all the easy little things first. Or you might want to skip the easy things for later while you dive into all your objectives that will take a good junk of your day away from you. I like to mix the two. Start with a few small task, then after 2 or 3 easy to dos, I jump on one larger task. So every list has at least 8 easy things to jump on and 2 harder tasks.

At the end of each day don't fret. If you only completed half of a list containing 10 tasks, you still go through 50% of your needed tasks. You can easily add 5 more things to the list, starting with the 5 you missed the day before. It's okay to not finish your list, then take it on the next day. Always add enough to equal ten, just so you have a continuous goal to set forth. Your mind wants to see you have things to get to. As long as you are showing it a smaller list, you will be fine. Try not to get into a habit of saying “Oh, I will get to that tomorrow” and skipping. Stay on course.




Deadly Nights (Band)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

5 ways to motivate yourself; Change it up

Today's Tip – 5 ways to motivate yourself; Change it up -

If we said once, said it at least again... change it up when things get stale. Some times we find ourselves falling asleep while working hard through the night. How many hours can you really dedicate to one something? If you have a S.M.A.R.T. Goal list then you should have options to filter through. If you don't have any goals, you should stop reading and a take a minute to think about things you could be doing to find your success in your chosen dream. With that said, it is nice to take a little break away from what you are doing to accomplish your dreams. Breaks are healthy.

I normally work within the hour rule. Is an hour enough time to dedicate for a final outcome? Probably not if you are dealing with large scale tasks. Though, it is good enough to get one step closer to said end results. You can go back to your task during the day as much as you want, but stick to an hour. After 60 short minutes move onto something else on your Goal list. Make some calls, or email a few people. Write out smaller lists of goals. Do research on other things you'll have to take care of. It is all going to help focus your time and not wear you out by dealing with one task at a time.

Even my breaks are only about an hour. Some times I will watch a show, or read a book, or even take a nap. Whatever I do, I make sure I have some way of recording my thoughts when my time comes. If I am washing my dishes, because I am changing it up, I might come up with an idea that I can attack when my break is over, that will inevitable help with my ending results. So I write it down, or talk into a recorder to listen to later on. Even when I sleep, I have some form of recording device next to my bed. You never know when a helpful idea will pop up.




Deadly Nights (Band)

Monday, February 13, 2012

5 ways to motivate yourself; I can!

Today's Tip – 5 ways to motivate yourself; I can!

I can and I wi... well, we will get to that second part later. Telling yourself “I can!” is only the first step to motivating your actions into tangible results. Results that you “can” be proud of. You know what you want, and where you would like to be. Finding those places in your mind is easy. Getting there is even easier. The hardest part about success, or possibility, is getting your feet moving. “Doing it” can overwhelm your thought process. Everyone has a moment of fail, or doubt, or fear. Taking a chance is life changing. How does one jump outside your comfort zone?

With small steps of “I can”. Instead of saying “I Can't” make phone calls, or “I Can't” do emails, talk with people, get out there... etc. Then what “Can” you do? “I Can” find someone to make calls for me, “I Can” get someone to email for me, or help me write out a proper email... “I Can” and you will. Take each thing you want to do and add them to the “I Can” list. Then, anything you feel you have to find other avenues on, write that next to your “I Can” list. Look it over and reason out brainstorming ideas to create “Can” opportunities for your overall goal.

I know you can, I know “I can”. Anything is possible, even probable if you put enough time into it. Remember the 3 D's; Determination: A fixed intention or resolution, Dedication: wholly committed to something, as to an ideal, political cause, or personal goal, Direction: A purpose or orientation toward a goal that serves to guide or motivate. Have these 3 D's in your sites to find true outcome. And when all else fails, remember everyone has failed, that is how they found success!!!





Deadly Nights (Band)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Guest Blogger: Kaan A. (musician) - The more effort you put into it, the more results you see;

Today's Tip – The more effort you put into it, the more results you see; Guest Blogger: Kaan A. (musician)

Like countless others out there, you have made your New Year's resolution to eat healthier and get in shape. You want to keep your resolution past January, right? You can! All this requires is commitment, dedication, and consistency! The more effort you put into it, the more results you see. To get you started, here are a few words of advice:

-Keep it in writing.

Making a record of what you eat and your exercise routines can help you keep track of your progress and come up with short term goals.

-Utilize your kitchen.

Cooking your own food will give you a sense of control when it comes to what you put in your body. It also guarantees fresher, healthier food, and it's a great skill to have!

-Keep busy.

Boredom will lead to unnecessary eating, and can totally ruin any enthusiasm you may have about being active. I suggest using this new year to pick up a hobby; maybe playing guitar perhaps?

-Don't burn yourself out right away.

Moderation is always the best way to go about things, don't eat or do the same thing over and over. Try new foods you may have never had before. Also, try something different from your typical workout such as martial arts or spinning.

Take my advice, but also take a look at what other sources have to offer. The internet is a wonderful thing, I recommend www.bodybuilding.com for workout and nutrition advice, and www.netrition.com to purchase supplements. Like any other activity or skill, developing healthy eating habits and having success with your workouts requires those three magical things: commitment, dedication, and consistency. Keep those in mind and you are on your way to a healthy and happy new year. Good luck!





Saturday, February 11, 2012

News Letter – Happy love day; Valentine's Day is here this week.


News Letter – Happy love day; Valentine's Day is here this week.

To all those who love, and those who are loved, to those searching for love, or those who've seen the power of love, let this week grow to be something more special than just another romantic flower/candy experience. During this week we've made some amazing things happen for BBR Productions Inc. our new web site is up and running over at BBR Productions Inc., we've created a page dedicated to our “Today's Tips” so you can go back to the very beginning and see where it started. We've also made arrangements with a screen writer, musicians, comedians and some other grand ventures in the works.

Tomorrow's guest blogger. Kaan A. who is a musician, he'll go over “The more effort you put into it, the more results you see”. It was a very enjoyable guest blog to have read. So take note to it as we bring you this blog tomorrow (Sunday). We are still looking for future guest bloggers for those interested please email us: BBRoseProductions@Gmail.com

Want to learn a little about what we do? What to be helped a little in what you want to do? As BBR Productions Inc. is all about supporting one another. Our goal as a company, as people, we want to see everyone succeed at bringing reality to their dreams. So we created a free seminar on, that you can join or see on Thursday the 16 at 7pm. As always, it is an hour long. We can fit only 10 people in our studio but you get more out of it and can ask questions. So let us know if you want to come sit in. We already filled a few spots so email us at BBRoseProductions@Gmail.com

The final auditions for Hamlet are tomorrow during the day, so here is the information for that... Click Here: Audition

A production of “The Rabbi and the Toyota Dealer” is still going strong! If you have missed it... The show is running for the whole month of February. Our very own Thomas J. Bellezza in this play held at The Arena Players Repertory Theater, now in residence at the Vanderbilt Museum’s Carriage House Theater, begins the New Year with the Broadway comedy hit Any Wednesday. Opening night is Friday, February 3 at 8:00 p.m. The production runs through February 26. Performances: 8:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 3:00 p.m. Sunday. Tickets: $20 on Friday and Sunday, $25 on Saturday. Reservations are highly suggested. To purchase tickets, please contact the Arena Players at 516-293-0674 or visit www.ArenaPlayers.org

Our website is going through some upgrades. Keep checking it out for some great new changes. Don't forget BBR Productions Inc. can help market your company through Branding Building, Advertisement and Exposure. We're also a leading developer of ideas and possibilities. Our office number is 631.599.2263





Friday, February 10, 2012

Networking is imperative; Golden Rule's? Indeed there is even for people who are networking.

Today's Tip – Networking is imperative; Golden Rule's? Indeed there is even for people who are networking. -

Want to know exactly what's in it for you, after all the numbers and all the thoughts and ideas and links, this week we even cited a source specifically pointing out why networking is important. To keep it simple though here is the one overriding principle for everything in sales, bookings, and even dating.

Golden Rule of Networking; People would rather deal with people they know, that they like and that they have a connection to.

What do you think of that? That’s why we constantly tell our clients that when having a conversation it's more about them then it is about you. When we are hiring someone to do work for us at BBR we go with people we know. If we don't know someone we ask our friends and contacts that we think would know someone, because we trust their judgment. If that doesn't work then we go on the internet looking. This is how the world works, accept it, embrace it and start living your life and building your business centered around that idea.

All this past week we have been talking about Networking and why it is vitally important to you regardless of what you do. Making connections with people is something we have been doing since childhood. Some of us are better at it than others, but you can learn. That's where practicing comes in. Don't think about networking with people and contact building as a chore because it isn't. You don't have to be a business to build contacts, you don't have to offer a service, you don't have to perform. You need to connect with people on a personal level so they place value on who you are, what you do is secondary to that. Let's be very clear, what you do is secondary to who you are. People are people and all people would rather deal with the familiar than the unfamiliar, so make yourself known to as many as you can and reap the benefits.

You have to give of yourself and in return others will give to you, just like the original Golden rule. We all know it, we learned about it as kids. Start using it, good luck, and thanks for reading!





Thursday, February 9, 2012

Networking is imperative; Thinking you can get there without networking... we think not!

Today's Tip – Networking is imperative; Thinking you can get there without networking... we think not! -

Networking, as we established yesterday is one of the most important things in your arsenal to succeed. Prior to this week's blog posts you may have been thinking that you provide a great thing to the public, you perform! Why yes, yes you do, but to whom? For people who run a business, they already know its importance. People starting out in entertainment or entrenched in a certain mindset though seem to think it doesn’t matter. They PERFORM, everything else will happen on its own, untrue!

You perform, your friends come. You were great, your friends tell you, you feel good. That covers it right. Next show, your friends come, well most of them. You were great again they tell you so and they tell each other, you feel good. Next show, your friends are busy only one or two come out they apologize for the others, they again tell you it was good and leave. What now? No one new came, why do you think that might be? Maybe you should invite your family too, yes it's a trick. Networking is important, don't kid yourself, don't lie to yourself.

You must network to succeed you don't have to perform. Performing is the fun part, or should be it's not work it's a hobby. Working is networking and marketing and practicing so when you perform your hobby people care, they show up and give you money. Time and time again people tell us that all they ever need to do is perform, oddly enough most of these people have been performing for 10 plus years and have gotten nowhere. If they are doing it because they enjoy performing and they like the feeling they get then kudos to them. That's great they achieved their goal, they had fun and to them that was the important part. If you want more though than simple applause, you need to do more to get it.

Short today, we know but it needed to be pointed out. We know many people who act, sing, dance or write for their own enjoyment. They have fun doing it. Even if you aren't in whatever your chosen craft is for the money. Wouldn't you rather play to a full audience then a half empty room? I know I would.




Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Networking is imperative; 6 degrees... 2, 2 degrees of separation

Today's Tip – Networking is imperative; 6 degrees... 2, 2 degrees of separation -

We know that you have a lot of things on your plate. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that Networking is unimportant or not a priority. You must set aside time to do this, it is one of the three needs of success. This makes marketing possible, it makes sales possible this is the one that makes everything else in your world work no matter what kind of work you do. Relegating this to anything but a priority in your life would be a grave mistake for several reasons.

You meet new people everyday. They are potential clients or customers. It's that simple. Even if you are a CEO of a multibillion dollar company, they are still potential clients or customers. Treat it that way and you will achieve your goals. It's a matter of keeping it in the fore front of your mind. It's also good practice for you. Practice, as you know is another of the three needs of success. Failing to constantly meet new people and new contacts will make it difficult for you to reach your goals. Let's do some math shall we. How many people do you know? Well, I bet it's more than you think it is. 290 people is the average according to a study done by H. Russell Bernard and Christopher McCarty at the University of Florida you can read it here if you would like. Now that we have established that as an average those 290 people you know, in turn know 290 other people. In effect meeting and connecting with just one person, building a connection to them, and then capitalizing on it gets you 84,100 more possible contacts. Math is great isn't it? Have you ever played Six Degree's of Kevin Bacon? It's the same principle except in the above example that’s only two degree's of separation. Of course not all those people will be interested, however if just 1% are, think about that for a moment, let it sink in. How important do you think Networking is to your career now? I believe we can agree it is VITAL.

Every single person you meet is important. You have seen us blog about never knowing who someone is or who they know. You have heard us at our monthly seminars talking about how important this is to you. Now you have referenced, documented outside proof that we don't make this stuff up. Learn TAC, practice it and great things will come your way. Need some help, we can teach you. Give us a call at 631-599-2263. There are no walls only solutions, let us help you find yours today.




Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Networking is imperative; A functions function

Today's Tip – Networking is imperative; A functions function -

Making contacts in any type of environment is easy. Networking Functions and gatherings set up expressly for that purpose can be an extraordinary thing. You have the opportunity to expand your contacts. It isn't enough to simply show up though as we said yesterday. You have to do more.

Research and choose the right event for you. You can still make contacts at any event but attending one that ties into what you do is more beneficial. There are trade shows, conferences and groups dedicated to what you do. For the entertainers thinking there isn't, ask yourself this. Does your community do carnivals or street fairs? Be involved in your local community if nothing else. Networking is about contacts, you never know who someone knows. Some of those people could need a band, comic, or musician and who would they go to? You, the person they know and is interested in their community, or the random guy they found on a website.

We talked about being engaged with the people you are speaking to yesterday, remember this. Focus on quality of contacts not quantity. You will be attending many functions, meeting new people each time. No one takes the guy seriously who looks bored or distracted. If all you did was hit everyone in the room and hand out cards you would make zero impact. Instead set a goal to meet four or five new people each time. This is different than meeting fans after a show, that’s more of a meet and greet, networking functions are to make contacts for your business, and you are your business.

Keep in mind the impact you have, as we discussed yesterday, stand out. You have one chance to make a first impression. Making a bad one will make your life more difficult as you try to repair the problem. Keep in mind both your verbal and nonverbal communication. If you are a poor social animal try some of these ideas to help you. Make eye contact when shaking hands, notice what color their eyes are, that’s enough direct eye contact it shows that you are comfortable with people and avoids being rude. Again follow TAC, its more about them than you. Interact ask follow-up questions about what they say. Having trouble starting a conversation look here.

We talk about being able to articulate what we do during our seminars. This is very important when at a Networking Event. You should work on this. You need to have a short introduction for yourself and your business. This is where having a mission statement or a motto can definitely benefit you. Short and to the point. It should inform people who you are what you do and what you offer them. It should also leave an opening for people to ask questions if they want, chances are they will. Practice doing this so it is second nature. Using your research of what the event is that you are attending you can tailor it to what you are trying to achieve. Maintain the who, what and what's in it for them criteria.

Last but most certainly not least. Follow up, this is where most people mess up. You should always contact them again right after the event, within three days is reasonable, add a business card and personalize it with something you spoke about with them, about them. Then mark your calendar for a few weeks later two to three weeks is good and follow up once more. You want to get together to discuss how you can help each other see here for more information on doing this.




Monday, February 6, 2012

Networking is imperative; Do I know you? Be remembered

Today's Tip – Networking is imperative; Do I know you? Be remembered -

From time to time it might be useful for you (imperative for you) to attend functions for the sole purpose of Networking. We tell our clients to go to other peoples shows both to support whomever is performing and for one other very important reason. To get the word out about themselves.

Sometimes they don't understand, or have trouble making progress. So for the next week we are going to help both them and you, our loyal readers. These same ideas can be handy in any form of networking from casual introductions to specific networking events, (which you should also go to). Look at it like courting, it's applicable for that too.

A common thing we hear from clients is this, “I have a bunch of business cards, and I can't remember a thing about any of them.” This is a problem for you. If everyone came away from interacting with you not able to remember your name and what it is you do, you just wasted your valuable time. You want to be remembered there are some things you can do to help you in that regard. Let's go through some basic ones.

Stand out, not in some crazy serial killer kind of way but in a way people will notice. You will need to stand out from the crowd. If you just performed and are working the crowd this won't be a problem, but if you are at another event, you might want to do something to set yourself apart. That means not blending into the background of the event, use your own judgment. If it's for a business something brightly colored will work, most business people wear drab colors so wearing a bright shirt or tie will help you when the person try's to remember “Oh ya the guy in the bright yellow tie.” You don’t want to be over the top or no one will take you seriously. You do want to stand out in the crowd it can be a fine line to walk.

You personally need to be completely invested in what you are doing. Have conversations and use your skills to make an impression. Listen well, ask questions, be engaged with the people you speak with. If you have been following along you know all about TAC. (The Art of Conversation). Utilize it to your benefit. Most of all be open and available to others, be there mentally and fully engaged with everyone you are speaking to. Ask real questions of people. Tailor them to the people you are speaking with of course you should always go with simple things like “How did you become interested in 'X'.” You don't want to be a drone and keep asking the same questions of different people though so it is important that you really and truly paying attention to the people who you are choosing to interact with. They will remember you for this. Quite a few people who go to network think that simply showing up is enough. It's not, be mindful of what your saying and who you are saying it to.

If you are going to a get together specifically meant for networking a “Networking Function” you need to do things a tad bit differently. Most people will not be able to remember long drawn-out descriptions of what it is that you do. Pare it down to the core of what you have to offer. Some things you must manage to get across are, your name, your company, what you do/who you help, what you offer and where you are located. This doesn't mean just spouting all of this out. The trick is to fit these things into the conversations you have in a way that makes sense. Let the conversations flow but steer them a bit so that you can get the most out of it.

Remember that you are your business, and it is you personally. You are all that stand between you and obscurity, do your best and focus. People will remember you if you put in the effort.




Sunday, February 5, 2012

Know The Facts Before Taking The Plunge Into An Acting Career; Guest Blogger: Alan Baltes (person)

Today's Tip – Know The Facts Before Taking The Plunge Into An Acting Career; Guest Blogger: Alan Baltes

Know The Facts Before Taking The Plunge Into An Acting Career

The number of people who "dream" of being a professional actor are in the millions. There are no official statistics published regarding the number of people who actively pursue acting jobs over the course of a given year, however the number is likely in the upper hundreds of thousands worldwide. This is a staggering number considering that there are roughly 50,000 acting jobs in a year, mostly comprising of small one-day roles. This figure also includes actors who worked on cruise lines, theme parks, summer festivals, and other non film and television jobs.

The Screen Actors Guild (SAG) is the nation's largest labor union representing working actors. With 20 branches nationwide, SAG represents over 125,000 actors. Although a small number of popular actors earn millions of dollars each year, the average income of the majority of Screen Actors Guild members is less than $5,000 per year. Most actors find that work is extremely sporadic, and they must supplement their incomes by working other jobs. Out of all the SAG members, only about 50 might be considered stars.

Becoming a member of the Screen Actors Guild is no easy task to say the least. There are currently only three ways that an actor can join SAG:

1) Proof of employment. Employment must be in a principal or speaking role in a SAG film, videotape, television program or commercial. Proof of such employment may be in the form of a signed contract, or original pay stubs.

2) Background Actors (Extras) may join SAG upon proof of employment as a SAG-covered background player at full SAG rates and conditions for a minimum of three work days. Employment must be by a company signed to a SAG Agreement under which the Producer is required to cover background actors. Proof of employment must be in the form of original paystubs or a payroll printout faxed from the payroll house.

3) Employment Under an Affiliated Performers' Union Performers may join SAG if the applicant is a paid-up member of an affiliated performers' union (ACTRA, AEA, AFTRA, AGMA or AGVA) for a period of one year and has worked and been paid for at least once as a principal performer in that union's jurisdiction.

There is also the issue of costs. To become a SAG member, the current national initiation fee rate is $2277.00 plus the first semiannual dues. Each SAG member pays annual base dues of $116.00. In addition members pay 1.85% of all individual earnings under SAG contracts between $1 and $200,000; and 0.5% of earnings from $200,001 through $500,000; plus 0.25% of earnings from $500,001 to a maximum of $1,000,000.

To the audience watching performances, acting appears to be glamorous work. However, actors work under constant pressure. Many face stress from the difficulty in landing their next gig. Actors work very long and irregular hours with all night and weekend work a common part of an actor's life. They may do one show at night and another during the day. They also travel often and are away from home for lengthy periods during many productions. Actors must often tolerate heat from bright studio lights, endure working in all sorts of unfavorable weather. Huge egos exist in abundance on film and television sets.

In order to have any decent chance of working on a regular basis, an actor needs to be represented by a talent agent. Finding a legitimate agent to sign you can be a seemingly impossible task. A couple of decades ago, a SAG member could send out photos and resumes to a hundred talent agents and get a response from at least several of them. Now a SAG member would be lucky to get a single response after sending out hundreds of photos and resumes every month for a year. Most talent agents sign clients through industry referral.

We have just scratched the surface with some of the realities of pursuing an acting career. If you have a clear understanding of the business and still have a passion to move forward with this career choice, then you have the first quality that is required to be successful. A highly reputable A-list actor once made the following statement to an audience of SAG members, "if you can not even slightly be reasonably happy doing any other form of employment, then and only then should you attempt to become an actor".




Saturday, February 4, 2012

News Letter – The month of love Feb-R-U-Ary; Hold on to your seats!


News Letter – The month of love Feb-R-U-Ary; Hold on to your seats!

We love to love. Always support one another. That's our goal as a company, as people. We want to see everyone succeed at bringing reality to their dreams. Good news is we have avenues that will help you do so. A free seminar on Thursday the 16 at 7pm. As always, it is an hour long and you can watching on line live as well. We can fit only 10 people in our studio but you get more out of it and can ask questions. So let us know if you want to come sit in. We already filled a few spots so email us at BBRoseProductions@Gmail.com

Next on the list is tomorrow's guest blogger. Guest Blogger: Alan Baltes (person) “Know The Facts Before Taking The Plunge Into An Acting Career”. He'll go into a wonderful array of information about helpful tips for actors. So, if you are an actor and would like to understand the business a little more. Here is a chance to read up on it. If you enjoy what you read, please pass the link for tomorrow along! It is after all, about supporting one another.

With some exciting projects coming up from Hamlet, to screen plays and even working with a new writing on the rise, we feel this month will bring much more to the company. Our very own Erin Chase is still in Africa helping the less fortunate out while she had just released her new single “Keep on breathing”. Even in the height of her new success she leaves to help other people. We are very proud to know her. All the world and a safe return for Erin Chase. On another musical artist point, Martyrd is doing some fantastical things. Their video is almost done, they have some shows coming up and even more interesting ventures that we can't talk about yet. Check out their website for more updates.

A production of “The Rabbi and the Toyota Dealer” opened very well. Great energy and a fun group of people in a wonderfully intimate environment. The show is running for the whole month of February. Our very own Thomas J. Bellezza in this play held at The Arena Players Repertory Theater, now in residence at the Vanderbilt Museum’s Carriage House Theater, begins the New Year with the Broadway comedy hit Any Wednesday. Opening night is Friday, February 3 at 8:00 p.m. The production runs through February 26. Performances: 8:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 3:00 p.m. Sunday. Tickets: $20 on Friday and Sunday, $25 on Saturday. Reservations are highly suggested. To purchase tickets, please contact the Arena Players at 516-293-0674 or visit www.ArenaPlayers.org

Our website is going through some upgrades. Keep checking it out for some great new changes. Don't forget BBR Productions Inc. can help market your company through Branding Building, Advertisement and Exposure. We're also a leading developer of ideas and possibilities. Our office number is 631.599.2263




Friday, February 3, 2012

Music to my ears; Under the sun

Today's Tip – Music to my ears; Under the sun -

I've opened the door and my mind has been released. With all you've learned this week, including last years helpful tips, you can now walk into this wicked world out of solitude from being paranoid of those damn war pigs. That's right, this week was mostly for musicians and bands. But anyone can take something from these tips. Under the sun, means take in the warmth of being outside and doing things. 90% of success is about being active in your search for possibility through proactive action. Meet people, go to events, follow up/call back, write, introduce yourself.

Make things by making things happen has been a large part of what we teach in anyone of these blogs. Of course it stems from a philosophy that there are no walls only solutions. Openly you've read about assets, goal setting and opportunity building. Without connecting the dots through actionable efforts they just become words you've seen somewhere once before. Including well documented 3 Needs of Success; Networking, Marketing and Practice. Really, get out there. Do things. You want to be known you have to be out there getting known.

Success is not all one line. It's a lot of work. It takes a lot of time through talking, socializing and making a name for yourself. Yes, the world has changed with internet. That doesn't mean people don't like being met in person. Utilize the computer of course, but take advantage of the fact there are events, meetings and groups in person to start interacting with. If you continue to enjoy warmth from under the sun you will find success boiling up overflowing your cup of possibility through chance. Have faith in yourself. Fear does not control you any longer!

“I was never afraid of failure, for I would sooner fail than not be among the best.” ~ John Keats


