Friday, March 30, 2012

What I have to offer!; One life

Today's Tip – What I have to offer!; One life -

Stand before your mountain and take a chance, take a step forward. Every great adventure starts with one small step. You must begin to end. You have one life to live it to your fullest. Hearing things like “I will get to it”, “Next year”, “I don't have the money to try right now”, are all walls we must learn to smash down. Because, there are no walls only solutions. If you want it bad enough you'll go for it. Turn your wants and dreams into the things you truly want more. You'll say no to marketing yourself because it takes work, but you will say to sitting down and watching TV.

That show will always be there, you'll always be able to find it. So give it a break and give yourself a break – into the business of your life. Since every moment is once, it passes and that's it. Embrace it with your love. Show it you are here for it. That you want it more than anything. Why live someone else life? You need a job? Of course you need a job, but find out your budget and work that needed amount and take advantage of your efforts forward. Too many people are held back by themselves. Through that “I'll get to it” attitude.

The difference between success and living on par to other people's standards is success comes with “I'll get to it now” vs “I'll get to it later”. One life, one chance, one moment, one really adventure. That adventure is your life. Even if you are not making a living doing what you love to do, as long as you are doing it you are successful. You want to make it your career, or your life's way to earn wealth, then do so, but DO. Everything you learn here at our blog, everything we teach at BBR Productions Inc, means nothing if you don't place it into action. We teach possibilities... so DO!
Deadly Nights (Band)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

What I have to offer!; Working together to gather opportunity

Today's Tip – What I have to offer!; Working together to gather opportunity -

A helping hand is helpful in handfuls. Working with people garners greater possibilities. Look to your fellow entertainers, or others in your particular field, and become more than rivals. The old saying “Two brains are better than one” is very true. Though, two many cooks in the kitchen could cause an issue. How do you work around this? Well, workout an agreed upon outcome. Where you all want to end up in your path to success. At this point, figure out your S.M.A.R.T. Goals. Talk it over with some brainstorming.

Brainstorming has nothing to do with leadership, control or cooks. Once everything is in the pot for picking at, look to one another and figure out what skills each of you have. Utilize those skills to each particular goal need. Each of you can now attack that goal. With more hands out there making an effort to see it through, the more you will find it working out for you. Each step is important, so is keeping track of those steps. Work forward in your collaborated efforts while keeping track of who you talked with, where you went, and how its overall outcome propelled you.

One more side of advice on working together to gather opportunity; Incorporate yourself as a group. You'll be able to accomplish even more with greater benefits. Figure out a cool company name, create a brand, and push that company name. Now, instead of pushing 20 people, you are pushing one company that represents many people. It is easier to get a name out there through working with multiple people. Get marketing going on this group, networking, and media with what you have going on. If you like a person, why not work with that person?
Deadly Nights (Band)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What I have to offer!; Helpful hints for the helpful hint

Today's Tip – What I have to offer!; Helpful hints for the helpful hint -

Three simple tips of helpfulness. 1) Do. If you have an idea, do it. Make action to see it come to fruition. Take steps, baby steps if need be, but steps forward. There are a list of things, I am sure, that need to be taken care of. So learn those steps. Ultimately it comes down to “Do”. Having an idea in your head as you dream away your life leads only to a wonderful fantasy. Bring your dream to reality through acting on all necessary needs to accomplish those wants. You can be motivated with deep wants, but motivated to do is much stronger. This leads us to figuring out our needs.

2) S.M.A.R.T. Goal-Setting is essential when creating a time line of needs to accomplished. Start with simple things. As you are working to complete these tasks remember to also leave time in your day to research any other tasks that are required of you (about an hour of time in one burst or spread throughout your day). Add those tasks to your goal list to bring more power, strength and direction to your dream. Slowly, your dream will become a reality. Slow is better than fast. When acting slowly one learns as they grow. Give yourself a good month before starting on your venture to look into some requirements. This will give you a nice solid ground to work off of.

Research! 3) That's right, we say it all the time, Research, Research, Research!!! Researching a project, needs, people involved, where and when you can get things done fills up an empty void of confusion with a grand collection of know how. Yeah, the more you know, it is truly a great tool to have in your bag of tricks. Always research. Know your direction, know what, and why, you are attempting this venture. Be aware of everything involved in that field. It'll give you a heads up on conversation, people, and working the business end of it... Since it is a business.

With these 3 hints, you'll be utilizing your 3 needs of success; Networking, Marketing, and Practice. This takes us to a sneak peak at tomorrow when we go over “Working together to gather opportunity”. Network with everyone, market everywhere and practice your social skills along with how to market while you work in conjunction with your skill growth.
Deadly Nights (Band)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What I have to offer!; Business earns business

Today's Tip – What I have to offer!; Business earns business -

A company willing to sign on another person is not interested in signing on a person. Does that make sense? Companies investing time, and often money, want to deal with a person who is a company themselves. They run their success as if they are a business, because YOU are a business. Showing how much you have made an impact with information, results and effort will ensure your ability to work well with another company. Companies, agencies, managers, labels, they all want to take as little risk as possible when dealing with new ventures.

Have people been signed on talent alone? Yes, does much come out of it? Not often. If you are willing to take a chance waiting for your talent to get you a million dollar ticket you should start researching the percent of people that has helped, then figure out what 10% of that number is. Once you have that number you'll know where you stand in your chances of being signed solely on talent. Talent is important, it is a part of the 3 needs of success. Networking, Marketing, and PRACTICE. Network so people befriend you, market so people know you, and practice so you can perform.

In the end, when you present your proposal to another company to help you “get to the next level” or “become famous”, make sure you have the information to back a solid working system for your business. Go to a back for a business loan, they will tell you that they want to see your company performing in the black for a minimum of two years. Proving to them you don't need them. These companies that could help you further your career are only useful when you, yourself, are making your career happen. They are not interested in working with someone who is doing shows, and only shows, or making no money on those shows... to add, they are interested in people who are getting their name out there in any media they can... multiple times as well.

Tomorrow we'll take what we have gone over on Monday and Tuesday and give you some “Helpful hints for the helpful hint”; 3 Helpful hints to get your career/life going!
Deadly Nights (Band)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Meet Mister Stan "The Man" Lee

Mister Stan "The Man" Lee will be signing autographs and meeting up with YOU all this month in NYC!!!

Saturday March 31st, 2012

10am - 7pm
@ The Penn Plaza Pavilion
In The Hotel Pennsylvania

Headlining Comics Guest –
Want to meet Stan Lee before the show?

Tickets for info on our Friday Night Mixer!

And be sure to “Like” us on FaceBook for a chance to win a free Stan Lee Autograph!!

What I have to offer!; Why you should sign me

Today's Tip – What I have to offer!; Why you should sign me -

In any situation a person may feel being signed to a record label, management company, agency or other company to help them would propel them into a stratosphere of success. How would this help you? What are they looking for in you that you deserve that chance? Would all your dreams be fulfilled after your name dried in ink? What this week of blog posts will provide is a grouping of reasons on “What I have to offer!”... I, as in you. Ask yourself these questions above. Answer them, then ask other people who you should sign them. If their answers are off putting than you are in the same boat as everyone else in the business.

I am asking you, “Why should I sign you?”. Tell me, something outside the basic generic answers such as; I am unique, I provide something people want, I'm awesome, my product is better than everyone else. Now, how many people out there feel the same? Of course you are unique, but that doesn't mean I should sign you. Okay, you provide something people want? How so? Prove this to me. Now, you said “my product is better than everyone else...” again, prove it! When answering “why should I sign you?” you need to know a few things about yourself.

Understanding who you are, what you represent has to come down to branding. Creating a purpose to your direction through designing a branding for your product. Also, a mission statement is created at this time to help you know your personal direction and therefore be capable of answering that very question. You need to be clear, precise and to the point in 4 sentences or less. As Albert Einstein once stated; “If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it enough.”. That's the truth, because you need to be able to talk with people concisely.

Tomorrow we'll go over “Business earns business”; About what people want to see in a real press kit. What you have to offer and how you should be running your career... Running it like a business of course!
Deadly Nights (Band)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Looking Inward!; Personal Needs

Today's Tip – Looking Inward!; Personal Needs -

Time for play and fun right... well, no not really. You should have been doing things all week to help you with play and fun. Relaxation and fun are part of a good life and should be embraced. This final post for the week is about Personal needs.

This is things you do only for you, no one else. Others may be involved in it but you do it for yourself. Being on a softball team or a bowling league qualifies, if you in fact like doing those things. Playing in a band for fun and not work. Taking the time to sit down with a book outside and soak up some sun. This is about being able to do the things you want to and not being overwhelmed by other peoples sense of priority’s. It's not always easy. One of the things you will have to learn is to be more assertive and not let other people make you feel guilty for taking time for you. More important is not allowing yourself to feel guilty for taking time for yourself. This will help you manage stress and gain control of your choices. Learn to say no when outside influences start to intrude onto your time with your family or friends. Yes working is important but working to live isn't living.

Take time to take care of yourself, in all area's of your life. If you take nothing else away his week remember this “Working isn't living!”
Deadly Nights (Band)

Looking Inward!; Physical Needs

Today's Tip – Looking Inward!; Physical Needs -

Sorry about the missed day folks, life, it's what happens so today we bring you. Physical needs, the things we all seem to neglect as well as Spiritual needs. No need to panic. I know it's two at once but we have to get back on schedule... or do we.

Physical needs are fairly straight forward. Your health is a physical need so is your energy in my humble opinion and one is very much affected by the other. Attempting to eat smart is a good start, this helps both your health and your energy level. Exercise is another thing we sometimes overlook. Our lives are very sedentary now with television and computers console games and high tech phone. We find ourselves sitting around a lot more then we used to. This will lower both your health and your energy.. sapping your will to live if you will. Stress is another thing that can ruin your health and your energy levels. Having plans and contingency’s in place to deal with unforeseen events can help you deal with this.. once again action plans and steps to help you out.

Spiritual needs are a different matter altogether. For some its religion for others nature and still others it could be self awareness. Here is the crux though, you need to feel connected to you, who you are, who you want to be and be comfortable with those things. You can find that in any number of ways don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I'm quite happy with my Heretical Heathen thoughts on religion I’m comfortable with them and with myself. Nature can be a great provider of some spiritual peace. Some people garden some people hike, others go camping or to the beach. Whatever it is that brings you peace and tranquility, make the time for it!
Deadly Nights (Band)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Looking Inward!; Emotional Needs

Today's Tip – Looking Inward!; Emotional Needs -

Today we are going to be looking at emotional needs. We aren't talking about crying here. You can if you want though it's really nothing but a release of emotional stress. What we mean is being emotionally open and engaged. Being open to things and connected with them. Some ways in which you could do this include being in a good relationship. Being with a person who will back you up and has faith in you is a huge advantage. This person can be a significant other or a friend. The important part is they believe in you and can give you encouragement. They can also smack you around when you aren't doing what you know you should. I don't mean they yell at you, but they point out things you're overlooking or ignoring in a way that will remind you of what you wanted to do.

Many things can help you be emotionally secure. Yes, we all want to be independent, figure out our own way in the world. No one wants to be a burden to others, but you need to be comfortable asking for help when you need it. Never opening up to others will make you feel isolated and alone. There is no reason for this. Thinking that because someone else in your life hurt you doesn't mean others will. You have to take chances. People are generally good, remember that.

Some other things you can do to help is get a pet, not a fish mind you but something furry that's happy to see you when you get home, love is love folks.

Your emotional health and well-being is an important part of for your overall success. If you don't feel worthy of success or fame, if you don't feel like anyone cares, then you will not do as well as you could. Therefore, let us here at BBR Productions tell you we love and believe in you.
Deadly Nights (Band)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Stan "The Man" Lee will be @ NYCBM

Mister Stan “The Man” Lee will be signing autographs and meeting up with YOU all this month in NYC!!!
Saturday March 31st, 2012
10am – 7pm
@ The Penn Plaza Pavilion
In The Hotel Pennsylvania

Headlining Comics Guest –
Want to meet Stan Lee before the show?

Tickets for info on our Friday Night Mixer!
And be sure to “Like” us on FaceBook for a chance to win a free Stan Lee Autograph!!
Deadly Nights (Band)

Looking Inward!; Yes, yes you can!!!

Today's Tip – Looking Inward!; Yes, yes you can!!! -

Every week we talk about the business side to our lives. We may mention internal things like believing in yourself, having faith in your abilities, but we don't usually delve to deeply into it. Your perception of yourself, your sense of self-worth is a very important part of whether you succeed or not. Being comfortable with yourself is the first step in being able to put yourself out there to make things happen.

Most people look to others to provide them with a sense of self. If others think rightly of them, they tend to think well of themselves. We look to our parents when we are kids then teachers and friends. Later, we look to our boss's and significant others to help re-enforce our sense of self-worth. Some people go beyond that and are able decide for themselves what they are worth. Others still influence that but it's mostly internal. If you think about this, you can see what I mean. Do you know people like this? You may think they are puffed up, full of themselves and even obnoxious. From your point of view, they are, from their point of view they are simply themselves, and comfortable with it. That's what makes them successful, their own opinion of and comfort with themselves.

We are going to break this down to emotional needs, physical, spiritual and personal. While looking at these areas, there are two big things you need to remember the fist is you have to be decisive. You need to choose and then act upon that choice. Keep in mind not choosing is a choice as well. Sometimes your choices may be limited, ugly and unwanted you still need to choose. Deciding to stay the course is a choice too after looking at all the information in any given situation often the status-quota is the right choice. You could make the wrong choice, but as long as you learn from it, you made progress. The second thing is to remember to challenge yourself. This doesn't mean pushing yourself to the breaking point. It means feeling satisfied in what you have achieved. Even small steps will get you where you want to go, celebrate them. Say yes to new ideas and opportunities, things you wouldn't normally try or involve yourself in, and you have challenged yourself and your own idea of what you can do. Taking yourself out of your normal day to day helps you to be more open to other things you wouldn't normally try, that’s a challenge.

This week we will be discussing some ways for you to help yourselves internally rather than externally. We have given you action plans, goal sheets, networking and marketing tips and even some sage advice on how to get a pet monkey. This week is going to be about YOU!

Deadly Nights (Band)

Friday, March 16, 2012

The right way to write; Growing relationships with a few words

Today's Tip – The right way to write; Growing relationships with a few words -

With this week coming to an end, let us look at all three paragraphs together. Take a look and see the layout. You can feel how they flow into one another, working with each other. Use this as a template, not what we wrote, but how we wrote it. Each sentence has a purpose, each paragraph has its purpose. Utilize this while writing your proposal out to people. Research everything you can about any company you are writing to. Practice writing these letters to friends, family or even to imaginary people. See how they are received from those people and learn from doing.


What I appreciate about BBR Productions Inc. determination has always been its selflessness. Working hard to bring possibility to life, starting out as a one person company in illustration then turning into a multipurpose company over its 15 year growth. Helping more than just artists find their own path, but companies, individuals, and people looking for an opportunity to bring their dreams to reality. If, at all, this letter is a representation of my gratitude for your company's inspiration for my personal success.

I have a great desire to continue growing my success in my field. Over the last 5 years I have reached heights on a good deal of my own personal goals, finding motivation at every turn. I am aware that you have signed projects on, such as Martyrd and Erin Chase, allowing them an outlet to move forward. Teaching, guiding them on how to best create opportunity for themselves. I would like the chance to present myself in an appointment based meeting to talk this out further in person, as I have a great ear for absorbing information and utilizing it.

I am happy to also see your work with Martyrd has lead them to another level. I am excited to see BBR Productions Inc. involvement with (another client) in the coming months. As I saw on your website you are involved in a few more development projects in many other areas. I wish you a grand year, and may all your ventures continue moving forward with success!

“Peace in harmony, until again...”
Full Name
Contact Number


I did say today we'd go over the two paragraph style. When building relationships with individuals or companies, you can start by sending a letter, or post card to them using only the first and third paragraph. Leave out the “What you want” section. Grow your relationship with them for about 3-5 months. Each month (every 3 weeks-ish) mail, or email them this letter... or a post card. Always showing you are watching their efforts and that you support them. Adding a “If you need me to advertise anything, or help you promote, or (add helpful services here)” that will also help you cultivate a great relationship with people.

Once those 3-5 months are through, than you can start adding your second paragraph into the fray. Building relationships helps solidify possibilities more than just contacting a person for the first time asking for something. You'll be amazed at how hard work, dedication, and effort really pay off in the end. And, by end, we mean your beginning! We have included a template for writing a proposal letter, what it should look like if you are emailing, or mailing a letter. The post card layout is different than a letter, though, this should help you on your way.

Deadly Nights (Band)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The right way to write; Paragraph 3

Today's Tip – The right way to write; Paragraph 3 -

Our last paragraph, which is our first important step in leaving a lasting first impression, has finally come. This paragraph is more important than the second, and has more power than the first. Reason, this is all about them and their future, and your goodbyes. It's also the last thing your intended reader(s) will see. Like, in sales, you want to say your name last. “Hello, thank you for calling BBR Productions, how can I help you, this is Thomas.” Anyone who is anyone will know, that comes out of me like clock work!

When writing take note to what your first paragraph had. You can link these two paragraphs together or just considerate other events outside what you had already mentioned. I like to dedicate this to a positive send off, to show the person(s) a selfless side. Giving them an encouraging peek into why working with you is a great venture. A nice little secret is keep the writing to a simplistic effort. To smart sounding and you might lose your reader(s). Of course, too simplistic has the same effect. Use basic words, with a smart approach.

Below is an example of someone writing paragraph three to BBR Productions Inc.

I am happy to also see your work with Martyrd has lead them to another level. I am excited to see BBR Productions Inc. involvement with (another client) in the coming months. As I saw on your website you are involved in a few more development projects in many other areas. I wish you a grand year, and may all your ventures continue moving forward with success!

A sign off is important too. Be something more than generic. Add your personality to it. Your sincere personality to your goodbye.

Peace in harmony, until again...
Full Name
Company Name (if you have one)
Contact Number

Deadly Nights (Band)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The right way to write; Paragraph 2

Today's Tip – The right way to write; Paragraph 2 -

As BBR Productions Inc. tells ya, it is always about your person(s) of interest. Allow them to be your main focus. Who cares what you have to offer, or what you want from them? Well, if you follow some rules of writing it is okay to use this second paragraph to your advantage. Since you sucked your reader in with information about them. Information that is important to them, showing you care enough to research what is going on, you have found your key to opening up a door to your needs. In paragraph 2 you present to your reader what your intent is. Be direct!

Playing around with what you want gets you very little in return. Of course, people enjoy a no “BS” approach. Be nice about how you present your intent, remember, again, it is about showing value of yourself and in someways, still about your reader(s). This paragraph is also an optional one. It is not needed in every attempt while building a networking relationship. You normally start out with sending paragraph 1 and 3. The reason, you want to build a rapport before asking for something in return. How often have you turned down person on their first approach asking you for something? Now, turn that person into a stranger asking you for something. How many times would you turn them down?

Below is an example of someone writing paragraph two to BBR Productions Inc.

I have a great desire to continue growing my success in my field. Over the last 5 years I have reached heights on a good deal of my own personal goals, finding motivation at every turn. I am aware that you have signed projects on, such as Martyrd and Erin Chase, allowing them an outlet to move forward. Teaching, guiding them on how to best create opportunity for themselves. I would like the chance to present myself in an appointment based meeting to talk this out further in person, as I have a great ear for absorbing information and utilizing it.

Deadly Nights (Band)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The right way to write; Paragraph 1

Today's Tip – The right way to write; Paragraph 1 -

The most important paragraph is your first one. It is all about your intended person(s) and their past. Showing them how much you know about them allows a person(s) to get excited. You are feeding a truth that is “people care more about themselves than anyone else”. So, you give them that in a direct way. It also shows you did some research, work, and care about who you are contacting. Keep this paragraph, along with the others to around 3 or 4 sentences. No more or less than that for each paragraph.

The more involved your understanding of your person(s) the more they will relate to you. It will lead them to be interested in what you'll have written in the second paragraph. Each paragraph needs to work together. Leading one from the other, and working well as a whole. A weak opener, middle, or ending will destroy a great proposal idea. So, concentrate on your research. Keep away from writing a bio, or listing of events in any of these paragraphs. You want to have a personal touch to it. Showing you are pointing out your interest of them.

Below is an example of someone writing paragraph one, to BBR Productions Inc.

What I appreciate about BBR Productions Inc. determination has always been its selflessness. Working hard to bring possibility to life, starting out as a one person company in illustration then turning into a multipurpose company over its 15 year growth. Helping more than just artists find their own path, but companies, individuals, and people looking for an opportunity to bring their dreams to reality. If, at all, this letter is a representation of my gratitude for your company's inspiration for my personal success.

Deadly Nights (Band)

Monday, March 12, 2012

The right way to write; Cover Letter: Proposal

Today's Tip – The right way to write; Cover Letter: Proposal -

Cover Letter: Proposals are essential when cultivating/growing relationships with people. In business they are very important, business in any field. The point of a Cover Letter: Proposal is to get a person(s) attention, present your interest, and insure a continuous working relationship with them. This week we'll go over a design for perfecting a Proposal and getting your point across while pulling in your reader. To start, you need to understand structure. A letter is set up in 3 paragraphs (which we have gone over before).

Paragraph 1 is all about them and the past. Paragraph 2 is your section to be direct about what your interest in them is. Paragraph 3 again is about them and the future, plus your farewells. When writing your first and second paragraphs remember to do your homework. Research, Research, Research!!! If there is one thing we tell clients, is Research! It saves your career, and keeps you from looking foolish. The more information you know about the person(s) you're talking with, the more value you'll bring to yourself, and your cause.

Finally, at the end of the week we'll go over “Growing relationships with a few words”. Which will show you how to utilize the first and second paragraphs to your full advantage. When trying to get a person to notice you, knowing they are busy, you take on the two paragraph method. Which is different than the “I want something” Three Paragraph method. We'll go over each paragraph this week while also explaining there purpose, and how they get it going. We'll also show you what a nice Proposal looks like.

Deadly Nights (Band)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Stan "The Man" Lee will be @ NYCBM

Mister Stan "The Man" Lee will be signing autographs and meeting up with YOU all this month in NYC!!!

Saturday March 31st, 2012
10am - 7pm
@ The Penn Plaza Pavilion
In The Hotel Pennsylvania

Headlining Comics Guest –
Want to meet Stan Lee before the show?

Tickets for info on our Friday Night Mixer!
And be sure to “Like” us on FaceBook for a chance to win a free Stan Lee Autograph!!

Deadly Nights (Band)

S.W.O.T. Week; Where you stand

Today's Tip – S.W.O.T. Week; Where you stand -

So now what? Now learn from analyzing yourself and create possibilities!

What this means for you. Well doing this has given you a better understanding of where you stand. Personally if that’s how you worked it or professionally. Maybe you aren't doing something new but trying to do more where you already are, perhaps you are looking to start your own company and had to start from scratch but weren't sure where to start. Well now you know. You can better see how to use your strengths to do more with your opportunities and lesson the impact of potential and actual threats and you know how to eliminate or lesson your weakness's.

Using ourselves as an example so you can get a better feel of how these blend together. BBR had already been a working company in concept for 15 years. Once it was decided to get very serious and take the next step it was time to figure out what would give the best chance for success. We already knew many of the opportunities and the threats both from entertainers and business's as more avenues opened we could take them. Our two strengths match well for the niche we targeted and our weakness's were radically different and they cover each other well while we worked to eliminate them. We knew our competitors through experience and research, something we preach upon research research research... Amen. So we identified an opportunity and capitalized on it. Yes we could do it for you, but what if we taught you to do it for yourselves? Hmmmm Teach a man to fish... That allowed us to charge less then a typical company doing consulting work and give us something unique for the clients.

Now don't get us wrong we can and will do it for you , for a price. For some its worth it. For the smaller places with less of a budget we will teach you to do it for yourselves and in return at some point, because you Love us and you get to the point you no longer want to go through the trouble of doing it yourselves but would rather hire someone to do it, you will remember us as being hard working, honest and knowledgeable and you will come to us for the big work to. Network Market Practice, set SMART goals and solutions will present themselves.

All this through Goal setting SWOT and well... quite a few more ways to make the most of the best thing in your favor. YOU!

Deadly Nights (Band)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

S.W.O.T. Week; Threats

Today's Tip – S.W.O.T. Week; Threats -

Ahhh threats, woo boy. Not fun. This is also external and beyond your direct control. You can have an impact on it though by diminishing or eliminating your weakness's. Once you have your opportunities in place time to look here and find the blind spots, the weak pints, possible ambushes. Remember all warfare is based upon deception. You absolutely need this so you can plan for it. If you know you have a weak point an area of vulnerability and you do nothing to prepare for it... well you are in trouble.

If you run a service industry and you are priced mid and someone else comes in priced low what then? If you are an entertainer working in a world where people will perform for free and you charge that’s a problem isn't it. You have to understand and be prepared for the things you know are coming and the things that could be coming. If you can have plans in place to change the threat into an opportunity that’s even better.

It could be a bad trend, like say a recession where less people come out cutting into your audience. How would you deal with that? A competitor could open their doors how would you handle it? You have a bad set, argue with a venue owner or be shut down by the health department for the Ellio's pizza you served. Identifying the threats doesn't eliminate them but it does put you in a place to act rationally and proactively rather then on reflex and haphazardly fumbling your way through it. When doing this one you might want to mark the level of seriousness involved if it were to happen. We have several plans in place for competitors depending on what and where everything from working together to going all medieval on them, keep that in mind when you do yours.


Deadly Nights (Band)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

S.W.O.T. Week; Opportunities

Today's Tip – S.W.O.T. Week; Opportunities -

YAH its umm... ok it's Wednesday well, it is a a good day regardless and today we will be looking at Opportunities. These are the reasons you can do what you do. Different then the first two SWOT's this is something that is outside of your control, at least your direct control. For example noticing that there is no place in your area that does an open mic night could very well be an opportunity. Or perhaps the pizza place by you is more like Ellio's then real pizza. That’s an opportunity (I like Ellio's too Im hungry and it popped in my head)

Same format as before, grab your worksheet. Think of this as potential, possibilities and perceptions. How can you utilize them, how can you grab onto them, capitalize on and leverage them using your strengths to quite frankly dominate all competition raise your flag and scream at the top of your lungs “I WIN!” This will likely take some thought, some research and some time. Here are some ideas so you can get a feel for it.

1. There is very a rather unhealthy feeling that theater on Long Island is dead and very few places actively engage in it.
2. Many small business's have zero impact so far as a web presence goes.
3. The local stores don’t provide exceptional service training as seen at …
4. Entertainers are ineffective in marketing and networking not because of lack of will but targeted knowledge.

Any thoughts? We had a few, that’s why we have the office with the phones :) You see where this goes though? You could, with the right strengths make quite an impact on any one of those areas. Or all four. You will very likely come up with more strengths that you hadn't thought of before. List them in the box for strengths, they will serve you well. You may also stumble across weakness's, that’s fine too list those in the appropriate box.

Be creative do some brainstorming I have some exercises to even help you with that process, that’s for another week though but If you are stuck and can't seem to move ahead with this one. Ask people, “Hey what do you think this place needs?” It may not be the answer you want, it may not be extremely helpful, but it will start those creative juices flowing.


Deadly Nights (Band)

S.W.O.T. Week; The hardest part

Today's Tip – S.W.O.T. Week; The hardest part -

Today is the hardest for most people to do. When you are doing this for a business its slightly easier but as an individual it becomes more difficult for humans. If you doubt me try asking people what their greatest strength is, then follow up and ask for their greatest weakness. Most people don't think about it much even though its asked on almost every interview you will ever have in your entire life.

Utilizing the same form we gave you yesterday do the same as you did for strengths. Note the weakness you have, your group or your business. These could be things like, lack of experience, no resources, poor service, bad reputation, awful location. Just like strengths though these are things that apply to you or your organization only. No outsiders need apply. You control these, and once you identify them you will fix them.

Using lack of experience as an example, break out your smart goal list and break down how to address the problem. Would specialized training help, a few seminars, shadowing someone who does it. Remember there are no walls only solutions. You have identified the walls, now smart goal yourself a solution. Even for the minor things smart goal it out. These are areas you are lacking in, things you can improve upon and writing them down and working them out is part of the process. For a company involved in service giving poor service is a problem. Some ideas could be mystery shoppers, spot checks, audits things that raise the general awareness levels of the people who work for you until its good service non stop all the time every time.

The first step is always identifying the blind spot. Fixing it is easy. Personal weakness goes the same way, shy, loud, talkative, it doesn't matter once you have identified a weakness, something that is a liability to you you work on fixing it. Maybe it wont ever be perfect but it won't be a weakness anymore and that’s great.


Deadly Nights (Band)

Monday, March 5, 2012

S.W.O.T. Week; Strengths

Today's Tip – S.W.O.T. Week; Strengths -

As promised, its SWOT week, S.W.O.T. Stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Each day we will go through one of these. Today is of course Strengths! First though click this <link> and get yourself a handy dandy form for you to use while we play along this week.

Really quickly, this can be utilized for yourself, a company or on a perceived rival for the throne. It's useful for all things. Strengths is usually the easiest for people to undertake. Don't be too concerned about details at first, get the primary thoughts out. Bullet points are good then later you can worry about details, trust me some of this is hard enough to do.


The basics. These are the good things of course. You or your company or organizations strong points. You control these. Think of things you do very well. Resources you have available to you. Advantages you hold that others don't. Once you get the basic idea then you move on a bit to more detailed information. Your first step could be as simple as

Knowledge of...
Contacts in...
History includes...

Then add on to it, get the thoughts out there first then expand after.

1. Knowledge of bookings, copy-writing, press release, script writing.

2. Contacts in music industry, local venues, studios, publishing houses, local media

3. History includes, active partnerships with Local theater groups, Small businesses, documented success with script sales, bookings and tours.

You can and should take it even further. Break your strengths into categories, marketing, networking, training or whatever ares are important to what you do and are a strength. Strengths can and should include things such as; contacts, credentials, reputation, skill set. You should also include tangible objects like; capital, equipment, customer base, copyrights, patents and anything else you can think of that helps you achieve your goals : BBR SWOT CHART :

Your strengths should include anything that adds value to you or your group that could give you an advantage over others. Doing this will also help you feel pretty darned good about yourself. No that you have them all listed capitalize on them. Focus on where you are strong always play to your strengths.


Deadly Nights (Band)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Selling the profit; 30 day challenge

Today's Tip – Selling the profit; 30 day challenge -

Since last August BBR Productions Inc. has been showing tip after tip each day to help bring some form of clarity to your path's success. We shown you ways you should invest your time, money and skill into 3 amazing Needs for Success; Networking, Marketing and Practice. We even explained S.M.A.R.T. Goal-Setting for you with a nice little down loadable sheet to help you out. So what is the 30 day challenge? We want you to take a look at what you have been doing since you've started in your quest for success.

That's right, look back at yourself and see where you are, what you are/have been doing and change it to our way for 30 days. Work hard at what we have taught you up till now, including this past and the weeks ahead of us. You can use any information we have provided. Also, we implore you to ask questions where you may feel lost or confused in any of our tips. Learning is asking! Email -----> Subject : 30 day challenge! Now, with that said, how or where can you start.

From the beginning of possibilities. I will give you a head start. YOU are the product, YOUR company, or what YOU represent. So, if you are a comedian, you are the product. If you are one of many within a band, the band IS the product. If you own a company, that company IS the product. Start by pushing the name of your Product. Place money into Marketing every way you can. Even take free avenues. Now, with that said, stay away from trying to sell Bi-Product. The only way you will see a great change in your success is by selling the profit.

In closing... I know you can do it. I know I can do it, and if I can do it, I know you can do it. Remember... Tomorrow is free, today is what cost you! Your goal is to see if you can make more of an impact in 30 days using our words of advice, or if it does nothing for you. The trick is, you need to work at it, even if just a little, everyday. Some form of effort each and everyday. Remember action returns action. Network, Market and Practice, both your skill and the two aforementioned necessities. Remember, everyone has a chance, but you have to take that chance to see it come true!


Deadly Nights (Band)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Selling the profit; Money does not make money

Today's Tip – Selling the profit; Money does not make money -

What does BBR Productions Inc. mean when we say “Selling the profit”? It means reinvest your money as you begin your journey outward to success. Buying things is one way of spending your money. Though we like to teach you how to spend for the best value of your worth. Remember, everything you do is a company based idea. If you want to be successful doing a certain skill you have and enjoy performing than you have to Network, Market, and Practice that skill. If you want to work with a company to recoup money, than the same has to happen.

Everything we do in this world for success should be ran like a business. A strong growing company reinvests money back into themselves as long as the investment is spent on the best value of your worth. Selling the profit is a great way to show dedication. BBR Productions Inc. enjoys showing you routes of future success. We feel earning the big buck is less important that the long buck. A long buck will last you till your ending days. A big buck will get you through the month, maybe even a year... then what?

Having money does not make money. Watching it sit there in a pile... or “Wad o' Money” looks pretty but looks will only take you so far. Money, as we all know, depreciates everyday. Rarely will we see money gain a value worth more than what it once was. Money earned through money is money reinvested. Saving money is one form of losing money. Every cent you make, reinvest it into your future, your money's future and the future of your success. That money will bring you a long buck return on any investment you dedicate it to. Including, but not limited to your skill, life, job or relationships...


Deadly Nights (Band)