Thursday, January 31, 2013

The fundamentals of growth : Struggling

Tip of the day – The fundamentals of growth : Struggling

Struggle - “(verb) to contend resolutely with a task, problem, etc.; strive: to struggle for existence.” Struggling is a mindset with actually physical attributes. For those focusing on what they don't have, or how they can't do something, is a form of struggling. Change one's vocabulary to help mentally break free of this thought process. There are many options to take advantage of to fight through struggling.

Physically; finances could be an direct cause of a company's fundamental growth struggle. This is where a “budget” truly comes in to help dig a company out of a decent size hole. By looking inward at a company it can figure out important solutions. Things of importance; can do, is willing to do, and how that budget (of both time and money) can be utilized best. Any given situation in life can be completely freed of the Struggling State with a plan of action.

When a life/company is continuing to lose money, time, or even assets, that company is struggling to stay alive. This is a dark bottom-line that still has a great deal of light when you look up at possibilities! Looking into how other companies have broken free of their struggles is a great start. Seeing what other lives have done to make an effort to break free of their fears and take control of their business of life can underline anyone's hope.

Call our office : 631.599.2263

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The fundamentals of growth : The 4 levels of a company's foundation

Tip of the day – The fundamentals of growth : The 4 levels of a company's foundation

Life is a business. A business survives in life. While a life is a business, one aspect is to understand every life is in one state of motion at all time. There are 4 levels to a company's foundation; Struggling, Surviving, Growing, and Expanding. How does a company go from one level to the next? Growth begins with understanding any given situation. Sometimes a company needs to look outside of their own mind to consultants who specialize in this field.

The Fundamentals of growth is an everyday adventure. Begin with a mapped out “Business Plan”. Let this be a guide to figuring out each move. “S.M.A.R.T. Goals” create direction with purpose. Allow “brainstorming” to fix up possible goals needed to break free and into another level of growth. There are many actions one may need to find their business of life to grow, most importantly, “Doing” is the most important part. Implementation of thought.

There are two levels of living in the “Red”, and two levels of growth living in the “Black”. Living in the Red; is a company living beyond its means. Spending more than needed, or having trouble bringing in finance to sustain those needs. Living in the Black; is a company earning wealth which leads to continuous growth. Some companies are happy maintaining a steady flow within each level of their foundation. Find yours and become the best you that you can be.

Call our office : 631.599.2263

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The power of a website : Hotspot vs Fluff

Tip of the day – The power of a website : Hotspot vs Fluff

How hot is a Hotspot? An official Website is designed to give choice to a product and that product's clientele. Buy it, See it, Touch it, Hear it, Taste it; all at a Brand's Hotspot. This is where everything about a Brand is placed. A Hotspot is also designed to sell the most up to date idea to an audience. New albums, shows, products, etc. A hot spot is one third of your needs in creating stability.

Every company has a “Logo”, “Slogan”, and a “Hotspot”. These things help finalize the “Voice”, “Image”, and “Purpose” of a Brand. A Hotspot is helpless sitting around collecting dust if there is no interest, or awareness in that brand. Creating “Hype” starts with “Fluff”. So once a brand has a Logo, and their Slogan, then a brand can create a Hotspot for clientele to take advantage of that Hotspot with ease to start interacting.

This is done through Fluff. Every site inside a Brand's “HUB” is dedicated to creating buzz. Build that interest with these Fluff sites to pull clientele to a Brand's Hotspot. Brand building is presented on Fluff sites with voice growth. Let an Clientele interact with a Brand through Fluff sites. Opening up avenues of interest that will ultimately lead them to an official website known as the Hotspot.

Call our office : 631.599.2263

Friday, January 25, 2013

The power of a website : Connect with everyone

Tip of the day – The power of a website : Connect with everyone

Here is a little experiment we do here at BBR Productions Inc.; Sit down and write a list out of people you know that might be interested in your brand. When you feel you are finished with that list look at it and say to yourself “Am I done?”. The truth of the matter is, you are never done. That list should have every name of every person you have ever met. They may not be interested in your brand, but they may know people who are interested in your brand.

Take control of your 3 Needs of Success; Network, Market, and Practice. Networking with people helps build a collective army of individuals living life. Connect with people. They have a lot to offer. They have a life to offer. A deli clerk, a stranger, people in the same field, even family; connect to them all. As your life is completely important, so are others. Bring people into your world while living around theirs.

The old saying goes; “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer”. Truth be told, everyone can turn into an enemy, or a friend. Embrace each moment given to you in these relationships. You learn a lot about yourself, your friends, and where you can grow from it all. Connect with everyone so you know you'll find people there to watch your back. Sometimes, you'll have to watch other people's backs, which is the point. Work together.

Call our office : 631.599.2263

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The power of a website : What's in a name? (S.E.O.)

Tip of the day – The power of a website : What's in a name? (S.E.O.)

Search Engine Optimization is a technical term meaning “Get your brand name up on the search engine list”; or more so, it really means “S.E.O. is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic") search results”. This is the case of having an amazing idea, or product and keeping it in your closet, then wondering why no one is buying into it.

Bring up a brand's name so others can find that brand. There are many things one can do to help do this naturally. Below is a short list of ideas to get a person's brain, to brainstorm!

• Guest Blogs leading back to your website
• Link sharing (in bound links to your site)
• Promote your website each day 3-4 hours throughout the day
• Interact with other websites
• Meta tag clarity
• Clean understanding of content on the website
• Up date and continually refresh the site
• Title tags (higher up the better; Immediately below the Head)
• No Flash (hides S.E.O)
• Use actual text not images for menu

Get the brand out there on the internet. A brand lives or dies with it's popularity, and awareness. Create opportunity with audience interest. Let's begin a new level with a statement from one of the best.

"My best advice for being successful in the SEO industry is twofold. First, make friends. You'll be much more successful in SEO if you can admit that you don't know everything and have smart friends to lean on when you are out of your element. We all have our own weaknesses, so admitting it and seeking to learn is foremost. Second, be curious about everything. If you see a site ranking and you don't know why, dig into it. Figure it out. You'll learn more by being curious about what you see in the SERPs than just reading content that comes out and watching SEO videos. You can learn a lot about those, to be sure, but digging in and doing the work and investigation will teach you the most the fastest." ~ John Doherty, SEO Consultant at Distilled.

Call our office : 631.599.2263

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The power of a website : Fluff; Building your H.U.B.

Tip of the day – The power of a website : Fluff; Building your H.U.B.

A central H.U.B. starts with your official “website”. From there where does it all go? Linking every extended site to an official website is one step to bringing a company to the top. Linking sites to a main website takes a little more than forming a “hyper-link” between the two, or three, or forty sites connected. Linking a hyper-link is the simple part. Having links to other sites from and to your main site is a starting point for this H.U.B.

Next is building a brand with image and voicing similarities. When a Tumblr page is created, that blog page should have a similar look/voice to the official website. This indicates a connection. Also, a human mind gets more attached to something they can continuously get engraved into their heads. From logos to backgrounds and even color schemes. All these added efforts help connect a H.U.B. to an official website.

A H.U.B. is designed to bring awareness to a brand. This is dun through a method called “Fluff”. Letting an audience feel, see, hear, and taste a company's brand. A H.U.B. rarely says “buy me”, “See me”, etc. A H.U.B.'s sole purpose is to build “Interest” in your brand. This creates awareness, and thus a desire to visit that brand's official website. Working in conjunction with a brand building campaign to issue a company's growth.

Call our office : 631.599.2263

Monday, January 21, 2013

The power of a website : Hotspot; Official Website

Tip of the day – The power of a website : Hotspot; Official Website

Your hotspot is a place where people come to see what you are about. A website has many benefits. Having control of its total design, images without restrictions, interaction and more. This is a control center for everything “you”. A business stands on presentation. Utilizing other sites to represent you, gives those sites a chance to be represented first, before your brand. Allow your brand to standout before other brands.

A wonderful bonus for having an official website; Analytics. Yes, most sites have Analytics, but there are limitations. With control this opens up as many pathways to see how people are coming to a website, and more. The point of an official site is control over content (True Brand), and growth. A website's statement is “You are here to see me”. People go to Facebook because they are there for them. It just so happens they can look at your brand.

For the $300 - $800 invest of a website, it's worth it over the long run. This gives a company their own email dedicated to that brand; example is one of ours. When an email is sent out, now a part of the company's brand is being associated. Instead of advertising other brands for free, such as Gmail, or Yahoo, or even AOL, a brand all its own is being “Marketed”. Take control of your brand.

Call our office : 631.599.2263

Wednesday, January 16, 2013



Rock and roll fans, collectors , fashion freaks, and style enthusiasts
WE INVITE you to visit the first ever Rock ‘n Pop-Up Shop ON TOUR !!


the EXCITING PREVIEW BEGINS THURSDAY the 17th from 6-9 pm .
then FRIDAY 18TH, SATURDAY 19TH and SUNDAY 20TH from 1:00 - 9 :30 Pm

It all happens at:
in New York City's East Village

Just steps from where Bill Grahams historic Fillmore East Concert Hall stood !!

We have assembled an unbelievable variety of rock and roll music tour merchandise, many sold
out and one of a kind items, including original crew jackets, vests, and jerseys autographed by
band members.

Touring SWAG, Rock Collectibles and Memorabilia
The main focus will be on rock and roll fashion: sold out tour, fan club and retail merchandise,
all new and never worn !

AT this first ever rock & roll Sample sale you can purchase:
Tour Jackets - Hoodies- Sweats- Sports Shirts – T-shirts – Hats, along with posters, pictures,
and more !

Bands like:
PAUL MACARTNEY, everything from Shania twain to Simon & Garfunkel
Almost all are one-of-a-kinds !!
Also available will be many Vintage , rare and one-of-a-kind items.
And unique Fun items like Marky Ramones' own Marinara Sauce !!

The 1st 50 customers to enter will receive a FREE embroidered denim tour jacket
The first 100 customers to spend $100 or more will RECEIVE A FREE JACKET

Friday, January 11, 2013

Networking : Companies

Tip of the day – Networking : Companies

The things you can learn from a person are amazing. How a person can add to your life with their knowledge, lessons learned or assistance is invaluable. Such is the case with companies. Building a relationship with a growing company will bring you much knowledge. Your life is lived as a business in the “Triangle of Life”, so you can greatly expand your career by being around, helping, or working with companies.

Creating “Networking” opportunities with companies is as easy as visiting them on a monthly bases. Start off small and grow your relationship with them. Every time you enter, say “Hi”, say “Goodbye”. The power of presentation is immeasurable. Taking time from your day to make another person know they exist is greatly gratifying. In example, take note to how you feel when someone gives you a genuine response, or greeting. It goes both ways.

Turn companies into allies. Once you have established a friendship with a company, you now have them in your corner. They'll listen to you, and more than likely will open their door to help you. “Can I hang something in your window?” or “We are putting together a nice AD, would you like to sponsor my cause?”. The avenues are endless when you are dealing with friends. Turn your company relationship into a “friendship”, into a “family”.

Call our office : 631.599.2263

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Networking : Customers / Clients

Tip of the day – Networking : Customers / Clients

Your most valuable source of survival to keep your “Triangle of life” going strong are your Customers/Clients. Growing your clientele starts with “Networking”. If you are a performer, stand by the door at the end of your show. Say hello, greet, and get to know your fans, or soon to be fans. The more you show them you care that they are there, the more they will care about you being there. This works all forms of life. In a business sense, like working at a school, your students and fellow teachers, will appreciate your company if you in return do the same.

Most importantly people in your everyday life, which is your business, should appreciate your existence. You should appreciate individuals as well. Saying “Hello” to people when walking into a business. Even saying “Goodbye” when you finally leave a business. You say goodbye to people after you leave their house, or a party. If you are not, then remember that you should be doing so. The power of hello, and the respect of goodbye is life changing to most people. Embrace the reality of acknowledging people, and the power of connecting to life.

Start to build relationships with your Customers / Clients by giving to them. Give them your time. Give them free things. Give them a chance to open up with you. Your success is fueled by your clientele. Treat them as if they were you. You care about them because it helps your business grow. So, connect with them. Set your friendly connection into action while maintaining some privacy of course. You open up deeply to friends and family. Clientele gets your best behavior and honesty!

Call our office : 631.599.2263

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Networking : Family

Tip of the day – Networking : Family

In the right environment your family can be completely beneficial. They are your source of motivations to be the best You that You can be. They standby you as you fail and succeed. A good family support system can change your entire life when given the opportunity to be more than just another person stuck in a rut. Family, they are there for you because they care and believe in you. Family are those people who make sacrifices with you. Stay on your ship while things are falling down. Family are your friends, loved ones and individuals who have a bond with you.

You can create family with “Networking”. Build those relationships that could potentially lead you into those important inner circles. That old saying, It's who you know, can be yours with a little effort on your part. Get out to events that might be to benefit others with your presence. It's about building opportunities with action. Who you know comes down to who you meet. Keep close with these people, let them become your family. Open up to them so they can embrace you. Be that family for each other. Do when needed, help when you can.

Before you know it, you'll have a huge family around you. Look at Adam Sandler. He has a beautifully large family always working on movies with him. Either he is helping them get movies made (Grandma's Boy), or with all his friends making movies that we love (The Wedding Singer). These family groups will lead to help, work, and inevitably everyone's success. This life we know as a business needs partnerships. You need friends to see things happen. So, place in that time to build these friendships into family relationships. You'll see wonderful things happen.

Call our office : 631.599.2263

Monday, January 7, 2013

Networking : Friends

Tip of the day – Networking : Friends

Building and cultivating relationships are a big part of friendship. Friendships help grow your “Networking” need. Let's understand friendships vs acquaintances. An acquaintance is a person you may work with, or know through another person. A friendships is a person you have given your time to on a personal level. Understand, a client, or a fan is all about your “Marketing” need. Once you bring money into the equation you are now marketing.

Keep your personal relationships personal. Handling things with favors over money. Build your relationship with your friends, acquaintances and family. Once in a while give them a financial break in cost. It is completely respectable to set up a fee for services, or lending a hand. Ultimately, ensure that you handle your Networking growth with a 4 to 1 ratio on free vs fee.

There is a really great book called “Never eat alone” by Keith Ferrazzi. It explains the importance of Networking. How remembering little things will overflow into powerful relationships opportunities. That old saying “It's who you know.” is a very strong philosophy to live by. There is also another, “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” Why have enemies? Make the best efforts to keep friendships. Finally, “If you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing.” Words to live by.

Call our office : 631.599.2263