Monday, February 23, 2015

Time Management : Group Necessities

• BBR Productions Inc : Time Management : Group Necessities

Each day is set into motion with only twenty-four hours of time. Hopefully eight hours are dedicated to sleeping. In some case four to eight additional hours are given to a job. Best case scenario; a person has a job living in their dream. Figure in driving, eating, preparation to begin the day; now twenty-four hours is a small two, maybe three hours after you add in relax/meditate time. The assumption is a person has only three hours of free time a day. What if they had more?

More time does not always mean there is room to accomplish many tasks. More time means more time management. Having thirty minutes, or four hundred and eighty minutes, to work with has the same value. What can be accomplished in that amount of time? What needs to be accomplished in that amount of time? Look at tasks as groupings. Email, Call, Follow ups, Jolts; these are all within the same area of interest. In a task block of time consider this a thirty minute block of contacting people.

Why is grouping important? It takes away anxiety and allows the brain to focus. The human brain can focus on seven items plus or minus two. When there are multiple items within a subject, define those items as one major subject to accomplish. Another important part of grouping Task Items is understanding valued items. What is most important now? Numbering these items from one to ten (one being most important) gives a sense of direction. Attack those ones first!

PS... Can you find the monkey?

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