Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Worth in Action – Worth of perception

• BBR Productions Inc : Worth in Action – Worth of perception

Information changes a sail's wind on strong tides. Where is that information coming from? More accurately, what is the perception of that information before, during and after it is utilized? There area few ways knowledge can be attained; 1) Education from one person to another. 2) Learning through observation. 3) Taking third party hearsay and believing it. Each one on its own could lead an individual down the wrong path. Mixing and matching helps solidify fact from fiction.

Perception is a powerful tool, if it is being operated correctly. Take emotion out of this equation. Forgot for a moment that the ideas you have conjured up were figured through your own devices. Look at each side from fresh eyes. A great way to see fact from fiction is take what you perceive as helpful advice and see how it is assisting others around you. Is the perceived advice advance those who gave the advice, you, or others around you following same said advice?

The greatest success will come with what is learned, researched, and changed up to become the best version of itself. If in three years no higher ground has been reached from doing any task over and over again, something must be changed up. Becoming great at a skill is not the same as success in life. Entertainers, career people, or business, must constantly be evolving into new territory. Performing the same clubs, working the same position, still broke after three years; changed things up.

PS... Can you find the monkey?

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