Thursday, August 25, 2011

Today's Tip - Cross Marketing Life;

Cross Marketing Life; “Hey, I know we don't have the same product, but what do you say?”

To Cross Market or not to cross market that is the question. The answer or course is Cross market already. It gets your information out to others you might otherwise miss. Your buddy is an actor, you a comedian, He talks about your show this weekend to his audience while meeting them after his show. You make fun of him during your set... umm ok maybe not. You tell people about the great show he and the cast does. Simple yes? YES!

That's not all though, you can link each others websites which helps not only with getting info out there, it also makes your sight more desirable for the web-crawler search engines so you get marked higher. You could even go so far as to do joint appearances allowing you both to get some exposure. Happens all the time, comics open for bands, someone warms up a crowd. See you can do this. That merchandise you all had made up is another great thing. Who would it hurt to hand out some of your pals stuff at your show to the people who already know you well. Not the new folks your looking to build relationships with, the guy you see at every show.

What do you say to do this? Well it wont be hard because it is mutually beneficial to both of you. How about “Hey when you have your monkey training class on Thursday can you plug me for my How to train your dog class” See it's simple. OK so you cant equate monkeys and dogs to what you do. I'll try again. “I have several shows over the next few weeks, anything you would like me to say about yours?” Now they will say HELL YA, and offer to do the same for you. See it is simple, don't over think it. There is no need to stress over this. Want to have a different kind of show. Work out an idea and then go to your friend and say “Hey I was thinking we could do a show at Monkey World together, here is what I have so far. What do you think?

So give it a try folks, the only thing you have to lose is, well, nothing.

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