Friday, September 30, 2011

Today's Tip – Networking without a net is not as dangerous as you think;

Networking without a net is not as dangerous as you think; Try standing up for your career by introducing it to new faces. Set a plan to meet at least 10 new people a week. Goals = Direction.

Networking, sounds scary doesn't it. Sounds like what how Skynet took over the world. Well it is, and isn't that what you want to happen? You do want to take over the world after all don't you. If not then I have to question what it is you are doing here reading our blog. This place is all about world domination so get on board or get off.

So get yourself away from that wall you are holding up in the club. Get your ass off the chair you have glued yourself to. Get out there and meet some people already. Set a goal on how many people you will meet, make it realistic and stick to it. No need to say things like “I will mett 200 people this month.” That’s fine but remember networking is more then meeting people its building relationships with them. I'm pretty good at this and I would never set a goal like that. Ten people is a good number it can be represented by the letter “X” which marks the spot and its more manageable. Ten will get you where you need to go. Think it through how many people are you friends with now that you actually know anything about? Not many I bet. So 10 a month is 120 in a year and that is a nice jump.

So get on out there little trooper and make yourself some new contacts, turn them into new friends, and use those friends to get more. Soon enough you will be taking the world by storm, or cybernetic implants. The choice is entirely up to you. You are after all the one with all those new contacts in your bag.

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