Sunday, September 18, 2011

Today's Tip – Paying Attention;

Paying Attention; Ice cream is a helpful tool... oh wrong blog... Pay attention; It'll save your life and career. Don't just do, take in information than utilize.

So its SUNDAY!!! and your faithful friends at BBR are up at the Renaissance fair promoting people who took the initiative to contact us and help them make their dreams into a reality. So if you have been paying attention then you should realize that there wont really be a blog on Sunday. This is Sundays. It's all about you paying attention. So dig deep find a dollar and go pay him already we will wait.

No actually we won't. Because we are likely either in a car driving to the faire, at the faire looking at the wenches, oh that’s right looking at the wenches. So back to this attention thing. There really isn't anything worse then people thinking your an idiot because you have to ask a question that was already asked. For Example “Hey why isn’t there a BBR blog today this is yesterdays” Things like that will make you look like an idiot. So don’t be that person.

Take some notes we have gone over this before, notes will keep you from screwing things up. Ask intelligent questions that will help you re-enforce what you have learned. Most of all We are at the faire looking at the wenches. So leave us alone.

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