Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dress for success; Performance is a Performance is a Performance

Today's Tip – Dress for success; Performance is a Performance is a Performance -

“What to wear, what to wear? I'm late, for a very important date” Amazingly enough what to wear defines your performance. It's a deep part of your character. What character? They one you are performing. When acting, doing comedy, music, meeting people for the first time, dating, doing business, living your life... you have a character you're performing. Be it who you are, or a part of who you are, what you wear helps define that character.

Ia play, you normally dress up in another “person's” clothing. A character's clothing different from your own styled wardrobe. Singing on stage, well when do you see a successful band on stage dressed in their normal attire? Even comedians have a look, Rodney Dangerfield anyone? A maybe for a job interview or a meeting you wear a tie. The point is, you dress the part for the part.

Who you are is mostly important when being true to yourself. When performing, on stage, or in front of a crowd, the idea is to dress the part. Performance is a performance is a performance means getting into the role you are about to take on is helped by dressing up in the outfit that correlates with said role. Take on the persona of your character while creating a passionate part of yourself within it. When your actions have meaning so do their outcomes.
Deadly Nights

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