Friday, May 11, 2012

Moving Forward; Frustration

Today's Tip – Moving Forward; Frustration -

Wanting to tear out every strain of hair off someone's head? Tired of hearing no, maybe, not interested? Sick of people rejecting your ideas, art, music, talent? Think you are the best out there but no one wants to listen to give you one big shot? If only the right person “did” give you a shot you'd be able to show them you “can” do it. You “will” do it. You “are” the best at what you do. Of course, there are millions of people out there who are the best at what they do. So now what?

Move forward with inner faith. Be vigilant in your convictions. Two thinks can happen from a moment of frustration, due to these and numerous other variables. 1) You could start giving others that one chance you've always wished someone would give you. (when you are in a situation to do so of course. “Pay it forward”. And 2) make them notice you not because you are asking them to, but because they have no other choice but to see all the amazing things you have, been, and going to do.

Let the world know about you. In these amazing times we have social media forums. You've heard about them, Facebook, Youtube, Tumblr, Wordpress, etc. Create a voice on these sites, create a voice in the physical world that lead them to hear your branding power through your original website. Make your website stand out in any way you can. In a world of imagination you can come up with millions of ideas. Record yourself and pass it around Youtube, write about the life you are growing within your craft on blogs.

Get people to listen by being interesting, not just dictating “HEY LOOK AT ME”. Create something even you would listen to and read. The master's trick to making it all work is interacting. Get people to listen to you because you are listening and responding to them. People care more about themselves than what you have to offer, until you let them know you really do care about what they have to say. Then they will listen to you. Of course, you want to actually care about them in one way or another. Place some time into them and you while moving forward!!!
Deadly Nights (Band)

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