Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Getting the most out of a brand : Getting people to your show

Today's Tip • Getting the most out of a brand : Getting people to your show

People want to go out and do things. This is by far the truest statement a person can make. People enjoy letting off steam, relaxing out in the world or just letting it all go for a night out with friends. Why would a night out playing miniature gulf trump getting people out to your show? What makes miniature gulf, or a holiday, or even a movie get more pull than an event that either you put together, or have been placed on? There are a few rules to making a night of performance worth the while of every one involved; performer and your audience.

Value of brand brings an audience. When people enjoy a brand they will go out of their way to support that brand. Of course, they need to know about that brand to enjoy it. Keeping an event secret until it is promoted on the day of the event rarely helps. You must first create a buzz. This is done 3 months before a performance date. Every two weeks you increase that buzz from just a simple thought to a full on interest builder. Photos of practice leading to that date, interaction with individual fans who would love to see you perform. These help build awareness.

An audience killer is doing shows. That's right, if you have a show lined up the night before another show; both of which are only 10 miles from one another, you kill an audience draw. If you are performing Friday, Saturday and Sunday, make sure to spread the distance out; One day on Long Island, then New York City, then maybe New Jersey. This helps spread out interest without oversaturating your brand's draw. Another thing to be aware of; Telling people to come to a show is a deterrent. Present these shows to an audience and let them decided through their own accord.

Advertise the event in a passive manor. This means let it be known there is a show without begging people to come out to a show. Place some money into marketing. You will be surprised on its return. One misconception is performers feel it is the venue's responsibility. It is a performer's responsibility to bring awareness to their own brand. Also, relying on the small chance the other performers will market; so you can steal their fans (because you are awesome and better than they are), doesn't work. Mostly because they are thinking the same thing more often than not.

Call our office : 631.599.2263

BBR Productions Inc

Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Christine Holt (Musician)
Martini Garden (Band)
Shure Thing (Band)
Not Just Yogo (Business)
Yokas (Musician)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
March Into Paris (Band)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions

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