Sunday, August 30, 2015

Content vs Experience – 5 Helpful tips on Content vs Experience

• BBR Productions Inc : Content vs Experience – 5 Helpful tips on Content vs Experience

1) If you are doing it for attention, stop : It sounds like an oxymoron but doing it for yourself pushes potential new audience members away. A Brand has a message and a voice it wants to spread. Simply spread that Brand in a natural way. Others will find it and connect to it if it is truthful.

2) What did you do and/or learn today? : This is experience. Spreading the emotion connected this mindset pushes a Brand's experience and allows an audience to follow along on that journey. Giving them something they can relate to. “Check this out” is not relatable.

3) James Franco Instagram (Poetry vs selfies) : Having a PhD and a MFA for English / Poetry, and being a published poet, it would almost make sense to push poetry. Well on Instagram his selfies of him involved or experiencing gets more interaction than his poetry posts. His poetry is “Check this out”.

4) Selfies are not experience : What is going on in an image with a person front and center helps a Brand. It tells a story. More importantly, what is written along with said photo image is just as Brand related. Let both a message and an image speak a thousand words together.

5) Vague and mysteries of a proactive lifestyle : “Had an amazing time tonight before, during and after the stage”. It says a lot at the same time it keeps it interesting enough to make certain people of a Brand become moved to ask – “You performed tonight!?, Where?” and thus a conversation!

PS... Can you find the monkey?

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