Sunday, August 23, 2015

Content vs Experience – Content Ratio to Experience

• BBR Productions Inc : Content vs Experience – Content Ratio to Experience

There is always something to say. In fact there will be moments that our considered time sensitive. Thoughts which only pertain to what is going on right now. In life a Brand might want to express a connection about real time events going on. How does this Brand keep pushing its Experience in the first year or two, when there are subject matters it wants to be a part of? This comes down to ratio. Rule of thumb is for every four moments of Experience pushed, one push of content is allowed.

In the infant stages of a Brand the experience is much more important. Pushing how that Brand is growing has more power over an audience than what ideas, material, bi-products, or 'things' are being sold. How that Brand is getting to the top, what they are doing, how they feel about it, when and where you were (more than where you are going to be), these pushes are the Experience. They represent the travel, the journey of the Brand growing a relationship.

Content can become the defining purpose of a Brand if it is pushed too hard over the experience. In the beginning when trying to connect to an audience. An audience can become familiar and attached to the material being pushed at them, that they are not truly connecting to the Brand in a relationship. People are in relationships because they enjoyed the original points of interest. When a relationship's dynamic changes slightly, or drastically, it can cause a rift in that connection.

PS... Can you find the monkey?

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