Friday, June 15, 2012

Frustration; Truth is in the calm

Today's Tip – Frustration; Truth is in the calm -

“To thine own self be true” sums up this helpful tip of the day. Be true to yourself, speak truth, live truth, and walk a path filled of truth. Truth calms your soul. With truth you have no worries of secrets. With truth you know you're standing up for who you are. With truth you become all that you are. People look up to confidence, in the business world of success. Stand your ground, hold back nothing.

Stress comes from fear of being. “What will they think if they know me?”, “What will happen if I tell them the truth?”, what if... “What If”, is a phrase we always advise to stay away from. Hiding things becomes overwhelming to a point where it can control your calm, and/or distract you from your goals. Look inward at your purpose. Who are you, is an important phrase that can help you see your life clearly.

What are your standards? What do you want from others? All these questions lead us back to; “To thine own self be true.” All that you are stands strong against the world around you. If you are true to you, your character will be respected. Those that fear your truth are slowly faded into the background. Surrounding your life with people who hold you back from being you, are only damaging your calm. Live around honest encouragement to see things happen.

You are worth it, the world is worth your truth.

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