Monday, June 25, 2012

Respect; Nature's Wrath

Today's Tip – Respect; Nature's Wrath -

Nature is important to our success. Respecting its place on Earth will help you grow quicker in your ventures. Plan ahead knowing the season changes, what your local/national weather-person has said, and keep your options open for any possible array of situations. Good or bad, preparation is key when dealing with Nature. For nature has turned the tides of many great nations, you as one person are no exception.

Rain or shine has lead to a lot of outdoor events to grow founder over the years. Is your event better suited for indoors or outdoors? Would rain really destroy your evening? What part of the world arr you in? Snow could change the situation for the better or the worse. Skying would only be helped if the snow is freshly packed. Though, rain might harden the already nice snow and turn it into ice.

Nature's Wrath is also our grand friend. We get days off from school, work, and life. These are moments when our bodies get a moment to rest and relax. Nature is giving you a free day off from dealing with things. Take this time to breathe a little more, to plan, to be prepared for tomorrow. Nature is very smart, it listens to you, it knows when the world needs to be refreshed.

I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.” ~ John Muir, 1913,

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