Tuesday, December 20, 2011

7 Deadly Sins - Gluttony;

Today's Tip – Today's deadly sin brought to you by the all you can eat buffet. That's right folks it's Gluttony. This should be an easy one for you to embrace. Supposedly, this covers the over indulgence of anything. Really, I shouldn't sit at the hungry heffer feedbag smorgasbord and taco shack and eat until I explode. Damn, there goes my Sunday afternoons.

Gluttony, yes indeed, once again we recommend that you embrace this sin as your own. Who wouldn't want to keep it all for themselves? Who wouldn’t want to have every single copy of “We are the world” ever produced on a shelf in their basement? Not you, You want it all, fame, fortune chicks, hunks, whatever the case may be you want all of it. Nothing wrong with that at all. IN some cultures, it isn't even considered a bad thing, including ours. We love fashion, cars, status, haircuts... think about it. Pick up one of those gossip magazines and leaf through to anywhere... See Gluttony is good. Leave nothing for anyone else except for what you want to leave.

I know you feel guilty. To bad, you were indoctrinated to feel guilt. Stop, it's dumb. You get what you earn, and you keep what you want and if other people want to point at you as an example of what gluttony is then so be it. Some other group will be pointing at you and saying “I want to be him when I grow up.” Guess what you win. And the people pointing at you saying things like he should share, or he should give back, well they need to get a grip get off their asses and take what they think is theirs, or they need to STFU. Sinners don't whine they sin and move on. One cultures sin is another's virtue. You're an entertainer so soak up all the applause, fame and notoriety that you can you earned it after all.



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