Monday, December 19, 2011

7 Deadly Sins - Lust;

Today's Tip – This week we are going to have a bit of fun with the blogs. Well, I am at least. The Seven Deadly sins... I think not. Remember everything can be embraced from a certain point of view.

The first supposed, deadly sin is … Drum-roll... LUST. Yes indeed the overwhelming wanting of something that blinds you to everything else. Lust causes you to move from person to person and thing to thing without a care in the world as to cause, effect or consequence. I am sure you are asking yourself, “how can this be useful?” Well, that’s simple enough, embrace it. That’s right, you heard me correctly embrace it, just be smart about it. You can lust after fame and fortune, it's a good motivator for you. It is even an expectation of people that you as an entertainer lack self-control and discipline. SO let them see what they expect to see then hit them from another direction. Let them think you have a weakness and then when they aren't expecting it. BAM!

I know you think this could never work right. Well, it will. It's called misdirection and its an important weapon in your arsenal. In addition to that factor, there is also the actual sin itself “Lust” is a good thing just not when taken to an extreme, see they never tell you these important things do they, that is what we are for to tell you “Lust is good!” <fun too>. So use that to help drive you on your path to stardom, use it to motivate you. Lusting after the spotlight is a worthy path to travel. You should be in the spotlight. You deserve it and by god you will be, come hell or high water. Preferably Hell since we are all Sinners here this week. Reality and your life shouldn't have to much in common anyway. People who live in reality are always worried about bills, jobs and responsibilities. Your only interaction with the word “bill” should be top billing. Jobs are something you stand on a stage to perform, and responsibilities begin and end with you.

For those of you who were hoping for something a bit more biblical when it came to the word lust... Here is some info for you, it doesn’t say lust it says prostitution in the original Greek text which would apply wouldn't it. Plus it all depends on which book you're looking in. So for you, go with the Lust part with a dash of prostitute and a smidgen of Cause, I felt like it that's why, and you will do very well.

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