Monday, December 26, 2011

Testing the waters;

Today's Tip – Wanting to try something new? Go for it!!! There is no better time than now to try something new. We talk a lot about making things happen by making things happen. There is no truer statement. You have to do! Just take a leap of faith in yourself, you will be surprised when you find your results are beautiful. Even if you failed, you made yourself take a chance. A chance is life growing. It shows you can do it over and over again.

You may have been involved in one particular craft for years now and to just change up is scary. Changing doesn't mean forever, nor does it mean you've failed at what it was you had been doing. Change shows strength. With change comes possibility. If you are not happy doing something, a job, comedy, acting, doing nothing, then change it up and try something. Even if you are trying it to the point of nothing happening, you've at least tried it. You are growing as a person while taking chances at life. You only get one of these trips so embrace it.

The benefits of chance taking into new waters can comeback to you ten-fold in such a beautifully positive way. Even just placing your foot into the water to test the temperature makes a difference. Since the 3 needs of success; Networking, Marketing and Practice all apply to each part of a person's life there is not much to change on your end. The environment changes you. From a comedy stage to a music stage, or “I'm not happy with this job” to a “This is the job of my dreams”. Placing your foot into the water will show you a glimpse of what is to come.

Plus, if the water is too cold, at least you saw it. You can use that little skip in there to help you with your next chance. You know you can take a chance now, so go in a little deeper. The great advantage to chance taking, even if just testing new ground, is that you learn a little about that area. For everything we learn can be applied to everything else we do. Learn with life, not against it. All knowledge attained is knowledge earned... knowledge earned is learned for future ventures. There is never anything wrong with learning a little more each time. Go learn students of the world, become professors of your life, THIS LIFE!

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