Friday, February 24, 2012

Perception is 9/10ths of the world; SWOT!

Today's Tip – Perception is 9/10ths of the world; SWOT!

Today is Friday. Unlike the other days of the week from this week this will be a brief how to. This is something that can be useful in every part of your life and business. It's called SWOT. It stands for; Strengths, Weakness's, Opportunity's and Threats. We are going to do a very detailed version of this soon but for now, to get your feet wet.

In a nutshell, this will help you with your marketing, for you, for your business, For anything BY identifying the following.


Things you excel at, the positives. Things within your control. What do you do well? What resources do you have? What advantages do you have over your competition?


Note the weaknesses within your business area or self. Weaknesses are factors that are within your control that keep you from obtaining what you want. Which areas might you improve? Shy, Introverted, boisterous... any of these things could be a weakness you need to address.


Opportunities assess the external things that represent the reason for your business to exist. These are external to your business and yourself. What opportunities exist in your world from which you want to benefit? This could be as simple as knowing the right people from your Networking.


These are external, things that could keep you fro achieving your goals as a company or a person. It could be a person. So and So hates you but would have to approve something you need to move forward.. that's a threat.

What this means

The two internals will help you deal with the two externals. Doing this will help you get a bigger picture of what you need to proceed forward with less surprises. It's particularly well suited to business, but can be utilized personally as well.

So stay tuned, two weeks from now we will be going over all of this in detail including some simple worksheets so that you too can learn the power of the force. I mean SWOT


Deadly Nights (Band)

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