Monday, March 5, 2012

S.W.O.T. Week; Strengths

Today's Tip – S.W.O.T. Week; Strengths -

As promised, its SWOT week, S.W.O.T. Stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Each day we will go through one of these. Today is of course Strengths! First though click this <link> and get yourself a handy dandy form for you to use while we play along this week.

Really quickly, this can be utilized for yourself, a company or on a perceived rival for the throne. It's useful for all things. Strengths is usually the easiest for people to undertake. Don't be too concerned about details at first, get the primary thoughts out. Bullet points are good then later you can worry about details, trust me some of this is hard enough to do.


The basics. These are the good things of course. You or your company or organizations strong points. You control these. Think of things you do very well. Resources you have available to you. Advantages you hold that others don't. Once you get the basic idea then you move on a bit to more detailed information. Your first step could be as simple as

Knowledge of...
Contacts in...
History includes...

Then add on to it, get the thoughts out there first then expand after.

1. Knowledge of bookings, copy-writing, press release, script writing.

2. Contacts in music industry, local venues, studios, publishing houses, local media

3. History includes, active partnerships with Local theater groups, Small businesses, documented success with script sales, bookings and tours.

You can and should take it even further. Break your strengths into categories, marketing, networking, training or whatever ares are important to what you do and are a strength. Strengths can and should include things such as; contacts, credentials, reputation, skill set. You should also include tangible objects like; capital, equipment, customer base, copyrights, patents and anything else you can think of that helps you achieve your goals : BBR SWOT CHART :

Your strengths should include anything that adds value to you or your group that could give you an advantage over others. Doing this will also help you feel pretty darned good about yourself. No that you have them all listed capitalize on them. Focus on where you are strong always play to your strengths.


Deadly Nights (Band)

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