Saturday, March 24, 2012

Looking Inward!; Physical Needs

Today's Tip – Looking Inward!; Physical Needs -

Sorry about the missed day folks, life, it's what happens so today we bring you. Physical needs, the things we all seem to neglect as well as Spiritual needs. No need to panic. I know it's two at once but we have to get back on schedule... or do we.

Physical needs are fairly straight forward. Your health is a physical need so is your energy in my humble opinion and one is very much affected by the other. Attempting to eat smart is a good start, this helps both your health and your energy level. Exercise is another thing we sometimes overlook. Our lives are very sedentary now with television and computers console games and high tech phone. We find ourselves sitting around a lot more then we used to. This will lower both your health and your energy.. sapping your will to live if you will. Stress is another thing that can ruin your health and your energy levels. Having plans and contingency’s in place to deal with unforeseen events can help you deal with this.. once again action plans and steps to help you out.

Spiritual needs are a different matter altogether. For some its religion for others nature and still others it could be self awareness. Here is the crux though, you need to feel connected to you, who you are, who you want to be and be comfortable with those things. You can find that in any number of ways don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I'm quite happy with my Heretical Heathen thoughts on religion I’m comfortable with them and with myself. Nature can be a great provider of some spiritual peace. Some people garden some people hike, others go camping or to the beach. Whatever it is that brings you peace and tranquility, make the time for it!
Deadly Nights (Band)

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