Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I want to be successful : Why are they and I am not!?

Today's Tip • I want to be successful : Why are they and I am not!?

Negativity becomes negativity. Many times there are moments when people look at others, and their success, only to complain that those people/companies shouldn't be successful. That, or possibly, the onlooker of complaints feels they should be the successful ones. Famous words of the common person “Why are they on stage, we should be up there?”, “How did they get on the radio?”, “Why are they in this movie?”, “I am more talented than them!”

Instead of worrying why you are in a different place than these “undeserving” individuals; why not look into how they got their opportunities? That's right, there were certain things they accomplished in a particular order that granted them possibility! A great achiever recognizes greatness achieved by others so to achieve such things themselves. Knowledge truly is power. Let your hand search, and understand, multiple paths of truth through the achieved.

This comes down to working with others, or even befriending others. There is no harm in finding a person willing to show you the ropes. People in college do it all the time; they become interns, working for free to gain a knowledge strong enough to help them feel out their desired field. There are many who need hands on work to figure it out. Standing at the sidelines complaining will only get you so far. Jump into the ditch and start getting dirty!

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BBR Productions Inc

Make A Right Left Here (Entertainer : Thomas J. Bellezza)
Joe Pontillo (Comedian)
Christine Holt (Musician)
Martini Garden (Band)
Shure Thing (Band)
Sharon Green Medicaid Consultant (Business)
March Into Paris (Band)
Katrina Perkins (Actress)
Martyrd (Band)
TwitchTwitch Productions

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