Sunday, November 27, 2011

Today's Tip – Car pools will keep you dry;

Learn to pack in with others. Go places in groups, you'll get more done as it allows you to be at more places more often. Don't forget your friendly “You drive this time, I will get next time.” Most people are comfortable driving, but let them know you have no problem taking a turn at it.

Who wants to help save the environment? ME ME!! Yes we all want to do that, be a hero and save the world from.. well from us I suppose. It is to your immediate benefit though. I always hear about how we are saving the world for your Grandchildren but lets be honest here, I haven’t met mine yet so I don't really care.

What we do care about though is saving money. Well at least I do, so if I can save on gas by jumping in someone else car a few days a week then I’m all for it, and you should be too. So this time you drive and next time I will should be the message of the week, month, year and Century at least until we can either use transporters or Dissaporation to get where we need to go. There is also the added part of being able to use the HOV lane. PLUS its easier to start an angry mob if you have a few schills already with you.

I know, not very social conscious of me but still, walking around with a Pitchfork and a Torch all by yourself just makes you silly. SO bring some friends and save the world while running the monsters out of town. Wow did this blog go way off topic. I don't know who is in charge of writing these things but they should be tarred and feathered... where is a MOB when you need it. Stupid peasants

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