Thursday, November 10, 2011

Today's Tip – Space, the final frontier;

Space, the final frontier... no its not a Star Trek blog. However, just like the crew of that famed imaginary vessel you should keep your mind open to new worlds and ideas. Learn your surroundings. Be aware of your surroundings. It's important to know where you are and why. You can end up using that surrounding for your benefit. See... benefit... to you!!! -Kirk Speech and yell implied-

Being aware of what's going on around you is important. Knowing where the gravitational pull in the room is, who is a jerk, who the ass kisser is. Things like that. Still confused huh? Your job is to be the best you can and to do that you need to be aware of what is going on around you. Networking is the key but there is no point in doing so with people who are parasites. So be able to pick those people out. Next if you're in a business, then you don’t need to do anything but be you. Don't sell things, including yourself in an attempt to get in... that makes you the parasite. So if you are looking around and don’t see the blood-sucking tic in the room then chances are its you. Don’t be that person. Now if you are at say an open mic night than by all means give it a go, keep in mind everyone else is too and make the most of your opportunities by being better than them. Just be aware of what type of social engagement you are at be the person you need to be depending on the situation.

That's it, awareness is about picking up on cues from others and having experience in the social battlefield you will find yourself in. When uncertain be cautious in what you say but get out there and play it's the only way to learn.

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