Friday, October 21, 2011

Today's Tip – Know what you want;

How can you be passionate about something you don't know what you want. “I want to be successful” is not enough. You must be dedicated to the possibility of what it takes to become successful.

There are a few kinds of people in life. Those who want, those who sit around waiting for it, and those who go get it. A person who wants is nice but they just live with passion filled without chance. The know what they want, they see it and they just are far more cautious than needed. Sitting on the side lines and doing a little here and a little there will never get you to the top. Yes, taking baby steps are important if you continue to take steps forward. People who wait around for it are considered sitters. “If only” will not happen if you don't create the opportunities. Then we have people that want success. These people go out and get it. Taking chances, pushing forward and knowing what their life entails.

There are certain things a successful person needs to do. They need to Network, Market and Practice. This includes taking chances to get to people for Networking, working hard to get your name out there for Marketing all the while Practicing your skills and the two aforementioned necessities. It is a hard business that starts with knowing your direction. Do you really want this? Ask yourself that question. You must work 365 days a year, Network, Marketing and Practice. If you can't handle this truth you have to back away again... but wait... before you go anywhere remember this.

Anything you do in life takes these above work. Any job you get, just to pay your bills, will take this kind of dedication. If you are willing to put this kind of work into something you don't enjoy, why not place all that energy into something you love? Opportunities come up out of nowhere that require you to jump on these once in a life time chances. If is not healthy to y our success to kind of do something until success hits. I live by a few rules, but these are two of my favorites; “There are no walls, only solutions” and “Make things happen by making things happen”. Now go out there and create your possibilities in a life YOU WANT TO LIVE! Bring your dreams to reality!

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