Thursday, October 13, 2011

Today's Tip – Speaking with others is simple – Open up and say it;

Speaking with others is simple – Open up and say it;

Many people are nervous about speaking in public, if you are one of them let me just say that you're all being silly. Humans are social creatures. They crave that interaction, but because of certain factors become shy and withdrawn. For more information visits, any website and once again fail to interact with others in a meaningful way. You see what I did there right?

Starting and maintaining a conversation is really not a difficult thing. The difficulty comes in when you start to let your own mind work against you. “What if they don't like me.” It will throw your whole life into the gutter... I really can picture the Uni-bomber being someone like that at some point and who wants to go through life wearing a hooded sweatshirt and out of date eye wear. Think instead “What if they do like me.” Or better yet just ignore that voice in you're head. People are people stop giving into your fears and get yourself out there. This is the first step in a long trip on learning to communicate well with others. It falls under the heading of 'practice' the more you work on it the better you become. Once you get to the point that you aren't terrified to speak to new people then you can work on the other areas of communication. Avoid stuttering and drooling on yourself is a good example. OK so the drooling part should be controllable fairly easily, but I'm certain you know exactly what I mean.

Set a goal for yourself everyday. I started with I will talk to five new people today. Moved on to I will speak with three people in every place I go. Now years later I don't have a goal. I speak with everyone and sometimes everything, for example. I have a very nice conversation with a potted plant now. So set a goal for yourself and then be sure to meet it. Become used to speaking with people so that you aren't nervous anymore this will make you more confident, and then you will be ready for the next step in your communications journey.

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