Monday, January 30, 2012

Music to my ears; War Pigs

 Today's Tip – Music to my ears; War Pigs -

Generals gathered in their masses is an understatement with a community filled with musicians. There is an over powering need, or more so, a want, for people in musical projects to lead the revolution. What is a General without its army filled with willing soldiers? No warrior is going to follow any General into war while being lead blindly through snow covered mountains. You'll find yourself alone, fighting to survive instead of evolving into a hero set for the history books.

Take time to set goals. Look at what you want to accomplish as a musician, as a band. Once you realize what you want LEAVE THE EGO AT HOME! This business is already filled with enough people wanting to stab everyone else in the back. I'm not saying go up to people who are successful and ask them to help you, or to get you signed. I am saying, let the people with egos do what they do. Soon they will be surround by a group of fighters that over power any army of ONE. Give yourself humility and embrace the efforts of those before you. Take on help, pay someone if you have to.

Be prepared in this war of bands trying to become King of the mountain. A true General can gain the trust of even their enemies. Work hard at building relationships with other bands. A group of 5 bands, 4 people in a band, equals 20 soldiers to help out one single cause. The cause to make a name for yourselves. Think about it, need advertisement? $1,000 ad on the radio, or anywhere... in a movie theater would be only $50 a soldier now. Instead of just 1 band at 4 people being $250. Though, now, you make a website that is dedicated to a group of bands. Have the ad tell people to head over to that site. Think about it...


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