Wednesday, January 11, 2012

S.M.A.R.T .Goals!; Actionable A!

Today's Tip – S.M.A.R.T .Goals!; Actionable A! -

Wow almost halfway through this week and already we are on the letter “A” for actionable. I know I'm excited as well. So why not get right to it. If you are just joining us today you have missed

“Specific,” and “Measurable.” So you should go back to blog posts and catch up with the class.

So what do we mean by actionable? Simple put something that you can take action upon. Things that you can effect and change to help you. You need to be able to do something about the goal you have chosen and then set up steps to reach them it. Steps are useful and necessary to the entire process. They help you have a sense of achievement and also tie in to measurable to help you hit the goal. Small steps are fine even baby steps are still steps and there is nothing wrong with it. Step one of our original goal to “Join XYZ Gym in Springfield by the 3rd of January and sign up to go three days per week.” some of the steps could look like this.

Step 1: Find out how much it is
Step 2: Put aside the funds to do this
Step 3: Call “XYZ” and find out what you need to bring when joining.
Step 4: Go To Gym on Jan 2nd and sign up.
Step 5: Go to the Gym on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays.

Easy right? You could do all of that in one day. It may seem entirely foolish and when you get comfortable structuring your goals this way you wont need that extra crutch any longer and your steps will be larger and perhaps further spaced out but for now it helps to build good habits. You may want more steps after five and that would be great, for a while but at some point your goal will change into something else life “Lose X pounds per month through healthy eating and attending the gym.” This goal builds off the prior one to help you get closer to that big dream you had originally which was. “Get in Shape!” See what happens. Your goals evolve as you progress on the path.

So that’s it for “Actionable”, next up is “Realistic” helping you to set real goals that you can achieve through step by step actions that are specific.


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