Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Socializing With Social Media; Etiquette -

Today's Tip – Socializing With Social Media; Etiquette -

Etiquette is an important part of your career. It's great knowing what to say and when to say it, it's also important to know what not to say. Even if you aren't on stage, even if it's backstage. You are on display and people will judge you and a negative judgment can effect you for years. This holds true in every job you will ever have anywhere. Don't hurt your chances by being offensive, rude, crass or annoying.

Some things you should keep in mind as you move through the world. They may seem small and inconsequential but people remember them and they form their opinions. People can change their opinions but it is difficult so make sure you leave a good impression.

1. Say “hello,” and don’t forget “goodbye,” as well. I know we have discussed this before, it's important though. Take the time to do this, it shows respect. Do this in emails and phone calls too.

2. Be clear and concise always! This isn't usually hard when you plan ahead. When writing this should always be true since you can re-read and edit your thoughts. For things like Twitter this is even more important with the limitations on message size.

3. Be honest. If you are making false claims like a Military Recruiter, people will stop listening and interacting. Worse they will tell others about it too.

4. Think before you speak or type. Even if what you are saying is true remember, diplomacy first. We say this at our offices a lot, “you never know who someone is, or knows.” It's true the person you are bad mouthing will hear about it eventually. If you really need to say something then say it to the person you need to, not to the world.

5. Sharing is caring. Using Facebook, as a format, for getting your message out is something many of us do. When someone shares something you put up you should thank them for it. Let them know you appreciate it, they will be more likely to do that in the future.

6. Avoid Being the person in the plastic bubble. It's great interacting with your friends and family. At the same time you want to be able to reach out to others. Stretch out a bit and include others in your circle. They will appreciate it and it helps you as well.

This short list isn't all inclusive of course but simply some quick hits to help you in your day. Being polite and well thought of is an integral part of your personal and business life. So be polite, concise, honest and fair. Thank people when you should and help others feel welcome in your life. Or put another way “Treat others as you would like to be treated.”


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